Message from @DeButcher

Discord ID: 811628137686630430

2021-02-17 07:39:37 UTC  

jgjxn, you know you *can* leave the server, if you really hate it that much.

2021-02-17 07:40:00 UTC  

i don’t hate the server bro i just hate ppl like u bruh

2021-02-17 07:40:21 UTC  

You don't even know me.

2021-02-17 07:40:25 UTC  

People that stand up for their beliefs?

2021-02-17 07:40:34 UTC  

the way ur acting my guy @Kreia's Disciple

2021-02-17 07:40:51 UTC  

If you dislike the members or people you are free to leave the conversation

2021-02-17 07:40:53 UTC  

Like, you can't hate somebody you've met 20 seconds ago.

2021-02-17 07:41:16 UTC  

Well, you possibly could, but the circumstances would have to be pretty extreme.

2021-02-17 09:49:14 UTC  

In the bible it says for forgiveness you have to ask for forgiveness AND you need to be sorry and willing to make things right. Its not just "Hey, you have to forgive me because I say so."

2021-02-17 09:52:16 UTC  

I find athiests amusing. Because the condemn religious people for being judgmental or dogmatic, while usually being judgmental or dogmatic.

2021-02-17 09:52:37 UTC  

Dangit, I was too late for the party!

2021-02-17 09:56:21 UTC  

Then lets discuss, WHO do you 'hate'? WHY do you hate them? and since you posted here, what does it have to do with religion?

2021-02-17 10:01:24 UTC  

Don't worry, he'll be back to call us all a bunch of SJW's, it's only a matter of time.

2021-02-17 10:02:30 UTC  

That isnt an argument if you cant back it up. But he was Very sensitive about being called young, implying he in fact may be.

2021-02-17 10:03:19 UTC  

I can wait.

2021-02-17 10:04:27 UTC  

Im sad I didnt get to deal with the Cenk Uger wanna be before.

2021-02-17 14:59:24 UTC  

He left

2021-02-17 15:09:35 UTC  

*sigh* they always do

2021-02-17 15:11:58 UTC  

Its almost as if: They have such a rudimentary foundation of belief in something they adopted mostly out of hate or rebelliousness against someone, and they have no actual understanding of it. And when faced with any sort of pushback or critical examination that they cant actually back up they run.

2021-02-17 15:13:29 UTC  

"There are none so blind as those who WILL not see."

2021-02-17 16:00:27 UTC  

Your faith is why do good work, I'm a follower of christ therefore because of my faith I will do my best to do good work. But the work is not part of my salvation.

2021-02-17 16:01:51 UTC  

Yeah ik we can't earn our salvation thorough works because we need faith, faith in the lord saves us

2021-02-17 16:02:44 UTC  

@hyperiacob penti gang let's go!!

2021-02-17 16:04:11 UTC  

Penti? Does whats does that stand for?

2021-02-17 16:05:23 UTC  


2021-02-17 16:05:32 UTC  
2021-02-17 16:06:09 UTC  

Oh ok that makes sense I thought it was but the "i" confused me

2021-02-17 16:06:46 UTC  

Yeah it's the short form 😁

2021-02-17 16:07:39 UTC  

Alright, also I'm a Romanian pentecostal. Are you a American pentecostal? @DeButcher

2021-02-17 16:10:56 UTC  

What's the difference?

2021-02-17 16:13:42 UTC  

Just language

2021-02-17 16:15:35 UTC  

What about the Good Samaritan then? The ones with faith turned a blind eye on the helpless man

2021-02-17 16:16:27 UTC  

Faith doesn’t necessarily lead you to do good works

2021-02-17 16:16:49 UTC  

You can be religious with out having faith

2021-02-17 16:16:55 UTC  

What's the purpose of story. Why Jesus bring up this story

2021-02-17 16:17:19 UTC  
2021-02-17 16:18:50 UTC  

He brought it up because someone asked how to tell who his neighbor was and God gave the story showing the one with mercy is your neighbor

2021-02-17 16:20:04 UTC  

And that yes if you believe in God you will go to heaven but you also need to help others

2021-02-17 16:20:12 UTC  

Good so it's not about salvation/ faith but about being a good neighbor. He pointed out the religious leader to show that they are bad example to follow

2021-02-17 16:21:10 UTC  

But the Samaritan was the example even though his views differed

2021-02-17 16:21:11 UTC  

You are not weigh on good/bad scale. Our goodness can never lead us to heaven.