Message from @.ȼ๏ʍ

Discord ID: 808945437108994058

2021-02-10 06:08:53 UTC  

Hope for the best

2021-02-10 06:09:05 UTC  

But be prepared for the worst

2021-02-10 06:09:15 UTC  

Use coinbase. Until you get the hang of what you're doing, you can also make free coin from it too. So it basically let's you play around for free. That's what i recommend to everyone at first.
Then I'd switch to bittrex. That's my personal fav for day trades.
Then I have hard wallets for the rest of my stuff that I just hold and don't mess with.

2021-02-10 06:11:03 UTC  

This multinational inter industry investors/share and digital coin based market makes my head hurt a bit

But that's to be expected with all those complex interactions

2021-02-10 06:12:31 UTC  

You can also always invest in stock for a longer term, get lower taxes for that instead of getting hit with short term capital gains taxes (which I hear is just normal tax)

2021-02-10 06:12:47 UTC  

and you don't get taxed until you pull it out and it becomes realized gains

2021-02-10 06:13:06 UTC  

if you lose money, it's realized losses and you can actually write that off on your taxes

2021-02-10 06:14:18 UTC  

Oh really

2021-02-10 06:14:43 UTC  

What is the tax percentage? Or it depends on the value?

2021-02-10 06:16:01 UTC  

percentage changes depending on how much you made, just like with income

2021-02-10 06:16:12 UTC  

puts you into a higher tax bracket the more you make.

2021-02-10 06:17:01 UTC  


2021-02-10 06:17:52 UTC  

This is foreign to me, here in PR it always stays static no matter what you earn
It's an 11.5% and increasing, corrupt sons of bitches

They get billions and we are still on debt

2021-02-10 06:17:55 UTC  

how old are you?

2021-02-10 06:18:29 UTC  

and do you have a retirement account setup? You should at least be contributing to that, earlier the better

2021-02-10 06:18:39 UTC  

like a 401K or Roth IRA

2021-02-10 06:18:41 UTC  

18 now, just getting the hang of a bunch of stuff

2021-02-10 06:19:14 UTC  

ok, you don't necessarily have to have an employer that does matching retirement fund contributions, you can always open an account and just do it on your own

2021-02-10 06:19:25 UTC  

although it's a nice thing to have when looking for work

2021-02-10 06:20:07 UTC  

the earlier in life you start that, the better. Lots of people think that just depending on social security will be sufficient, but it won't be

2021-02-10 06:20:21 UTC  

This is quite the change of old ways
How old are you?
I suppose you are... 20s early 30s...

2021-02-10 06:20:27 UTC  

or they'll start their retirement account in their mid 40's early 50's and they're screwed

2021-02-10 06:20:31 UTC  


2021-02-10 06:21:14 UTC  

I started my retirement account when I hit 20, and just had a "set it and forget it" approach to it.

2021-02-10 06:21:36 UTC  

automatic contributions from my paycheck would go to it and I'd check on it every once in a while

2021-02-10 06:22:25 UTC  

I've always gotten myself around by washing cars, selling newspapers, that type of stuff
This... is so alien, but it will come as benefit

Tho I dont want to dedicate my life into the economy, everybody wants to be rich but life has taught me its better to just be sufficiently well off for your family and to help others

2021-02-10 06:23:27 UTC  

yeah I've also been thinking about setting up an IRA or a 401k plan

2021-02-10 06:23:34 UTC  

I have a couple grand to put toward that

2021-02-10 06:23:40 UTC  

I'm planning to start one as well, maybe freeze some funds on an account gaining interest and figure out a way of getting a passive income while I'm either studying or already in business

2021-02-10 06:24:24 UTC  

But greed is... quite the motivator
I need to learn to control it, before I throw myself in

2021-02-10 06:25:29 UTC  

is there another way to build up money but like not for retirement?

2021-02-10 06:25:34 UTC  

savings is too slow

2021-02-10 06:25:43 UTC  

obviously I can't access social security or anything

2021-02-10 06:25:58 UTC  

I have 2 grand just sitting here

2021-02-10 06:26:38 UTC  

Also you can't touch the money in your 401k or Roth IRA without getting penalized heavily in taxes. You have to wait until you're actually retirement age to pull money out of it

2021-02-10 06:26:49 UTC  

yea but

2021-02-10 06:26:54 UTC  

man idk...

2021-02-10 06:27:09 UTC  

Yes, which I reckon would be a good thing for people with bad spending habits

2021-02-10 06:27:21 UTC  


2021-02-10 06:28:49 UTC  

And the big difference that was told to me is 401K doesn't get taxed when you put money into it, only taxed whatever the tax rate is at the time you pull money out, and roth IRA is opposite, whatever you're putting in gets taxes deducted, but it's tax free when you pull it out (many would argue this is the better way to do it since nobody can tell the future and taxes usually get worse over time)

2021-02-10 06:30:21 UTC  

yeah that's true