Message from @corrosiv3_wind

Discord ID: 806671172464279562

2021-02-03 16:29:55 UTC  

Never took it

2021-02-03 16:29:57 UTC  


2021-02-03 22:52:34 UTC  


2021-02-03 22:52:57 UTC  

How do people balance sports and school? Hour and half swim pratice and I'm in no mood to sweat on this math

2021-02-03 22:53:51 UTC  

that I can't answer since I get my excersize from doing excersize. perhaps do some math than swim than come back to it

2021-02-03 22:54:03 UTC  

it's better to space out studying

2021-02-03 22:56:13 UTC  

Its just homework which is sadly manditory this year

2021-02-03 22:56:29 UTC  

I do decent without doing homework but its a grade booster anyhow

2021-02-03 22:57:06 UTC  

that I don't know. maybe use swiming as downtime to relax?

2021-02-03 23:25:42 UTC  

Physics question:

You are driving into St. Louis, Missouri, and in the distance you see the famous Gateway-to-the-West arch. This monument rises to a height of 192 m. You estimate your line of sight with the top of the arch to be 9.2° above the horizontal. Approximately how far (in kilometers) are you from the base of the arch?

This would be 192*tan(9.2)=31.072 meters then just need to convert it to km?

2021-02-03 23:26:44 UTC  

thats geometry. fairly simple I think. yeah just convert to Km

2021-02-03 23:27:12 UTC  

Its the intro to my physics course
it is the trigonometry portion and never did trig

2021-02-03 23:27:57 UTC  

Its gonna be a fun semester
Physics 1+lab
calc 1

2021-02-03 23:29:12 UTC  

Yeah, or think on debate or essays stuff. I did track this fall, but with swim in the morning, it seems like even more of a crunch

2021-02-03 23:34:43 UTC  

@JDCREW It was wrong :/ I got 2 attempts left

2021-02-03 23:36:08 UTC  

the tan(9.2)=192/(distance from object)

2021-02-03 23:36:43 UTC

2021-02-03 23:36:59 UTC  

hang on

2021-02-03 23:37:07 UTC  

That is what I did, I think?

No worries

2021-02-03 23:42:36 UTC  

what decimal you rounding to?

2021-02-03 23:43:14 UTC  

@JDCREW f needs to be 3 significant figures

2021-02-03 23:43:36 UTC  

Sig figs oof

2021-02-03 23:43:59 UTC  

I know...I need sig figs in my chem too

2021-02-03 23:44:15 UTC  

siggie figgies

2021-02-03 23:44:31 UTC  

I think this is right

2021-02-03 23:48:53 UTC  

@JDCREW It was right and I see where I made my mistake

2021-02-03 23:50:05 UTC  

anytime dude! I'm in Physics this year and calc next year so I'm gonna do a lot with trig. you ever need help, just ping me

2021-02-04 00:46:18 UTC  

so I dont do sports cause I move to damn often, but I found that if I grind my butt off in school, going so far as to rush through assignments (carefully ofc), I could free up time to work on other things like hw. When we were still in person, I would get my work done quickly during one class, and then get a hall pass before the end of the period to run to another teacher for tutoring. I had everything scheduled out so that ik which teachers would most likely be available at any given time of the day, so if I got 15 minutes before lunch, I might run to econ, or if I had 20 minutes during seventh, I could run to my physics class. It was a grind, but it left me free to do whatever I wanted after school.

2021-02-04 00:47:19 UTC  

now if your school is online, i can't help you. I have been unable to adapt to this system, and my grades have gone to shit.

2021-02-04 02:47:46 UTC  

I do drama club and online racing leagues so it's tough for me too. Ask for help if you need it , it's better to ask than not understand. And if you still don't understand it, watch khan academy and use online calculators

2021-02-04 04:15:17 UTC  

I recommend taking some easier extracurricular that fits with your classes and schedule
I haven’t had a semi decent sleep schedule since February of last year

2021-02-04 05:01:19 UTC  

Anybody doing anything PMP related? @ me please. I have questions.

2021-02-04 13:48:00 UTC  

no, but I am taking a business management class. *maybe* I can help somewhat.

2021-02-04 13:48:24 UTC  

im only in hs, so idk how much though

2021-02-04 15:44:10 UTC  

Oh I understand the work, it just takes time and is hella anoying. I'm in history now (online) and I got some freetime so I'm doing math hw

2021-02-04 16:52:12 UTC  

@sixfivebyfiftyfive Actually, thats what I was going to ask about. It seems that business management is a common underpinning for the PMP cert. Do you plan on going into anything project management related and what other stuff do you recommend studying as well, to the business management end?

Also, don't undersell yourself by qualifying it with "I'm only X so ya know...". You can still help and qualify your position later with, "That information is above my education right now, and I know/dont know where to find the info." Makes you seem more competent and confident even in the negative.

2021-02-04 16:53:57 UTC  

Just some wisdom from years in the military where confidence moves things.

2021-02-04 16:54:24 UTC  

Obviously you then have to figure out the information, if possible, and then followup with the questioner.

2021-02-04 18:10:06 UTC  

Actually, yes, I have thought about it. I don't know a ton about business or management, and that is why I wanted to take this class for my senior year. Specifically, I have thought about some sort of a construction management/contracting job. I can't recommend much, sadly, but my younger brother (he is way more on top of things than I am) wants to be an architect and has actually taught me quite a bit about the managerial side of construction. He said that I need to study business/management in college. In terms of other business things I am interested in studying, I would like to seriously study accounting. I feel like that is a critical skill for business management

He also tells me to get all of the other pre-reqs for the career I want. Things like studying engineering, electrical, and plumbing. Furthermore, he said I should look at options for apprenticeship in fields like electrical or plumbing while in college, so as to learn the skills, not just the book knowledge. Perhaps you could somehow apply that to your circumstances? What exactly are you looking to do?

Hey, thanks, I appreciate the encouragement. I kinda find myself in this weird place where I am both really egotistical and self-conscious about things.

2021-02-04 18:14:11 UTC  

And quick note on accounting, I work at Chick-fil-A. Im not a manager, but many of my friends there are, and I have noticed that many of them have to count the money and record everything in a ledger. These are HS and college students, so its not like you need a degree for many of the accounting-related jobs out there, but it certainly helps to study.