Message from @Error 404

Discord ID: 807035755674861588

2021-02-04 23:21:29 UTC  

Hey that means on your last year you get to finish math

2021-02-04 23:21:42 UTC  

Yeah but I just really hate math with a passion

2021-02-04 23:21:46 UTC  

I'm taking my grade 12 math in my junior year so I don't have to take it in gr 12

2021-02-04 23:22:20 UTC  

Oh nice! Yeah I’m taking gr 9 as gr 8 smh I regret my decision

2021-02-04 23:22:37 UTC  

This right?

2021-02-04 23:23:26 UTC  

Yeah basically

2021-02-04 23:23:35 UTC  

It probably looks hella easy to you 😭

2021-02-04 23:49:03 UTC  

LMAO bruhhhh

2021-02-04 23:49:19 UTC  

@Error 404 Its irrelevant what I, or anyone else, thinks. It isnt about us right now. It's about you. Each person processes things differently. A lot of it is perspective.

2021-02-04 23:49:53 UTC  

You've taken algebra. Which just shows you that it's possible to flip a problem around and look at it from a different angle to get a full equation, right?

2021-02-04 23:50:03 UTC  

Thanks, I don’t know what it is with me, I’m just not very good at processing math for some reason. Other subjects I’m really good at it’s just math 🤦🏽‍♀️

2021-02-04 23:50:07 UTC  


2021-02-04 23:50:13 UTC  

hows da nerds here?

2021-02-04 23:50:26 UTC  

@SnowWhite❄ Fantastic.

2021-02-04 23:50:30 UTC  


2021-02-04 23:51:22 UTC  

@Error 404 So which type of problem is difficult to understand? This is a judgment free zone.

2021-02-04 23:51:37 UTC  

I’ve been doing linear equations and graphing equations

2021-02-04 23:51:45 UTC  

I figured it out for the most part it just takes me forever

2021-02-04 23:51:53 UTC  

Were gud snow

2021-02-04 23:51:58 UTC  

I have to write out everything in order for my brain to process smh

2021-02-04 23:52:08 UTC  

Especially word problems OH MY LORD

2021-02-04 23:52:37 UTC  

some word problems are just impossible to figure out

2021-02-04 23:52:46 UTC  

Dude honestlyyyy oh my goodness

2021-02-04 23:53:12 UTC  

Like my teacher made one for quadratic formula and how did we know the equation is

2021-02-04 23:53:44 UTC  

Profit = (monthly rate)(subscribers) and use the quadratic formula

2021-02-04 23:54:06 UTC  

Oh *no* no thank you

2021-02-04 23:55:16 UTC  

I miss when it was just 2+2 and the most I had to worry about was the speed tests where you had to fill in as many little problems as possible 😭

2021-02-04 23:56:28 UTC  

Oh I cant do those

2021-02-04 23:56:29 UTC  

Do you have an example problem that took you a while?

2021-02-04 23:56:48 UTC  

@Error 404 also, there's nothing wrong with being slow with the work, as long as it's right.

2021-02-04 23:56:55 UTC  

I threw away my booklet ur I had one that took forever

2021-02-04 23:57:28 UTC  

Basically I have to find the volume of a block but all I was given is the base that was gonna be converted to a box

2021-02-04 23:57:31 UTC  

Yes, there’s a simple one, so I figured out relatively quickly

2021-02-04 23:58:00 UTC  

Luckily my homework was pretty easy, I’ve been getting better at memorizing the formulas, it’s just a matter of my brain processing

2021-02-04 23:58:20 UTC  

I figured out the easiest way is for me to just write all the numbers down

2021-02-04 23:58:33 UTC  

Practice will help, Im just wondering if I could explain it in a different way to get you to process faster.

2021-02-04 23:58:35 UTC  

Yeah the formulas arent hard

2021-02-04 23:58:47 UTC  

Yeah here I’ll show you

2021-02-04 23:59:04 UTC  

ok I'll see if I can help

2021-02-04 23:59:21 UTC  

I’m gonna talk about number one