Discord ID: 807263115837309019

2021-02-05 14:53:36 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:53:49 UTC  

Language arts grades the hardest

2021-02-05 14:53:59 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:54:00 UTC  

It’s so fuckin vague

2021-02-05 14:54:02 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:54:02 UTC  

What's Language arts

2021-02-05 14:54:11 UTC  

I'm in 11thgrade taking honors and I got no clue

2021-02-05 14:54:13 UTC  

its like writing and reading

2021-02-05 14:54:15 UTC  

Is that fancy english

2021-02-05 14:54:16 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:54:19 UTC  

And everything is like 200 points

2021-02-05 14:54:19 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:54:25 UTC  

its usless

2021-02-05 14:54:36 UTC  

im glad there some people that agree with me

2021-02-05 14:54:42 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:54:51 UTC  

You learn the same shit every year

2021-02-05 14:55:01 UTC  

yeahhhh factsss

2021-02-05 14:55:13 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:55:23 UTC  

In keyboarding we’ve done the exact same stuff for the past 3 years or longer

2021-02-05 14:55:24 UTC  

I know all my english stuff from my law internship not my classroom

2021-02-05 14:55:25 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:55:52 UTC  

My boss paid me to write legal breifs which sometimes format like essays

2021-02-05 14:56:11 UTC  

how many words

2021-02-05 14:56:15 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:57:02 UTC  

Idk usually he shows me the formating, and tells me what to write, and I convert his words into the formating

2021-02-05 14:57:21 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:57:21 UTC  

I'm saving him mindless work so he can be big brain at court. I get like 20$ an hour all cash no taxes

2021-02-05 14:57:31 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:57:39 UTC  

They're based, and they're even helping me with my west point app

2021-02-05 14:57:47 UTC  

id wanna be paid a yearly wage tho

2021-02-05 14:57:56 UTC  

I'm just a highschooler so

2021-02-05 14:57:59 UTC  


2021-02-05 14:59:36 UTC  

Its nice to hang with smart based people. It's a somewhat big firm so it's kinda epic, after JAG If it's still around I could get a good job

2021-02-05 15:00:04 UTC  

whats jag

2021-02-05 15:00:50 UTC  

A lawyer for the army. I plan on going to west point, doing the 4 year tour, lawschool idk how long, then becoming a Judge advocate (aka lawyer) for the army

2021-02-05 15:01:03 UTC  


2021-02-05 15:01:09 UTC  

I'd have no student loans

2021-02-05 15:01:17 UTC  

id work on nuclear weapons for the military

2021-02-05 15:01:24 UTC  


2021-02-05 15:01:36 UTC  

i know a decent amount about nuclear weapns

2021-02-05 15:01:47 UTC  

Get a chemicial energinering degree