Message from @Chief Kirby

Discord ID: 819785105219911711

But a 3D square

Would have 6 sides

If we are counting the base(s)

It just depends

What kind of triangle are we talking about here?

2021-03-12 04:07:54 UTC  

Well if the triangle has three sides, that means it is 2D

Are we talking about like

2021-03-12 04:08:46 UTC  

Where as a 3D version would be a pyramid

2021-03-12 04:08:51 UTC  

with 5 sides

2021-03-12 04:08:57 UTC  

or 4

Well not entirely

Fuck I鈥檓 stuck


God you鈥檙e lucky

What鈥檚 an oped

I want to start self studying and self teaching myself things

2021-03-12 04:13:19 UTC  


How? What are your methods?

2021-03-12 04:13:47 UTC  

~~Discord chats~~

2021-03-12 12:15:16 UTC  

I need help writting my Oped

2021-03-12 12:15:23 UTC  

These are my topics

2021-03-12 12:15:47 UTC  

The dismantling of our right to bare arms, the slow Communist take over, the bailing out of terrorists, a race war of lies, the lies of modern journalism, the pussification of the American Man, feelings before facts, the hiding of the truth, the lies told about our country, cancel culture, the brainwashing of the students, the war on Catholics and Christians, the dividing of the people, the exploitation of tragedies, and censorship.

2021-03-12 12:18:30 UTC  

Try not to do anything on that or they will give you an instant -20%

2021-03-12 12:18:37 UTC  

If ur in a lefty college

2021-03-12 12:19:22 UTC  

Its HS

2021-03-12 12:19:45 UTC  

I need help please

2021-03-12 12:19:59 UTC  

You didn't really say what you needed help with. You just listed your topics.

2021-03-12 12:20:24 UTC  

I need help with the research

2021-03-12 12:21:49 UTC  

Okay, well which of those topics do you already have research done on?

2021-03-12 12:23:06 UTC  

The dismantling of our right to bare arms

2021-03-12 12:23:24 UTC  

I need research on all of them

2021-03-12 12:24:51 UTC  

I will be in VCs at 1006am EST

2021-03-12 12:25:30 UTC  

Okay. Well at that point, you need better organization on how you are going to write these. I'd suggest setting forth an outline on each of these. I think based on these topics you should be able to make something basic and it will give you ideas of what to research.

2021-03-12 12:25:53 UTC  


2021-03-12 12:33:09 UTC  

Also, bear arms* not bare arms.

2021-03-12 12:33:29 UTC  


2021-03-12 12:38:36 UTC  

Ok got my topics