Message from @Negan

Discord ID: 812048659410714634

2021-02-18 19:38:58 UTC  

oof how u doing besides that

2021-02-18 19:39:09 UTC  

I think that got canceled because its raining but if it is going to happen then it will be in about an hour

2021-02-18 19:39:09 UTC  

YoU gUyS ShOuLd BuY cArBoN oFfSeTs <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>

2021-02-18 19:39:39 UTC  

Fine i guess, my brain kinda hurts from school lol

2021-02-18 19:39:53 UTC  

Unhurt your brain

2021-02-18 19:39:53 UTC  


2021-02-18 19:40:58 UTC  

Welp... gotta get ready for work.

2021-02-18 19:41:43 UTC  

Oh no, you'll be making monayy

2021-02-18 19:45:01 UTC  

They said you’ll miss school. I don’t

2021-02-18 19:45:03 UTC <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

2021-02-18 19:45:33 UTC  

joe did it

2021-02-18 19:45:46 UTC  


2021-02-18 19:46:12 UTC  

<:Poggers:796912784473456640> small business are fixed

2021-02-18 19:46:20 UTC  

What has he done

2021-02-18 19:46:49 UTC  

i cliped it for u

2021-02-18 19:47:00 UTC  

oh nvm ur a phone boi

2021-02-18 19:50:58 UTC  

You think were gonna witness something cool

2021-02-18 19:51:07 UTC  


2021-02-18 19:51:12 UTC  

when people go to mars

2021-02-18 19:51:15 UTC  

thats it

2021-02-18 19:51:27 UTC  

Imagine a creature as big as godzilla appearing out of nowhere

2021-02-18 19:51:41 UTC  

Make a good movie.

2021-02-18 19:51:52 UTC  

dude what if we where able to get stands <:Poggers:796912784473456640>

2021-02-18 19:53:29 UTC  

They should make the huge creature fight another huge creature

2021-02-18 19:53:34 UTC  


2021-02-18 19:53:48 UTC  

Elephant v giraffe

2021-02-18 19:53:56 UTC  

Fuck it, bring some nukes into it

2021-02-18 19:54:02 UTC  


2021-02-18 19:54:16 UTC  

I had to put the fans at full power so I don’t catch on fire <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-18 19:54:52 UTC  

Imma give it a rest for a bit it’s been four hours

2021-02-18 19:55:08 UTC  

Not gamer enough <:StalinLasers:798669578350886922>

2021-02-18 19:55:09 UTC  

Damn I wish I had that

2021-02-18 19:55:40 UTC  

I love summer for going outside and all but the inside gaming sessions with 20 fans pointed my way is also great

2021-02-18 19:55:45 UTC  

Listen man I only got this laptop last weekend I need to build up to 24 hour play time

2021-02-18 19:55:50 UTC  

@Draconem_Dominus no watch nasa launch

2021-02-18 19:55:53 UTC  


2021-02-18 19:55:53 UTC  

<#801170142359978015> is where y’all can find the NASA livestream

2021-02-18 19:55:58 UTC  

I refuse

2021-02-18 19:56:09 UTC  

Not giving you a choice

2021-02-18 19:56:19 UTC  

I’d rather sit here and watch rats <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-18 19:56:26 UTC  

Also wtf is there 2 general chats. Is this to cut down traffic?