Message from @ottie

Discord ID: 817426138757988422

2021-03-05 15:52:30 UTC  

yes theres an option for that or sumthin

2021-03-05 15:52:52 UTC  

i haven't played mc in years

2021-03-05 15:52:59 UTC  

so i put that option and now theres only desert and ocean so i cant find trees

2021-03-05 15:53:03 UTC  


2021-03-05 15:53:21 UTC  

sometimes i play vanilla mc and sometimes i play modded it depends '-'

2021-03-05 15:53:34 UTC  

dam modded was fun af

2021-03-05 15:53:42 UTC  


2021-03-05 15:54:44 UTC  

i found a tree-

2021-03-05 15:54:50 UTC  

its dark oak good enough

2021-03-05 15:55:05 UTC  

i played with a mod that added dinos i spent hours playing with my brother <:SadPepe:801485397678489660> i miss them days

2021-03-05 15:55:43 UTC  

ohhh i sometimes play those weird free maps on bedrock because its funny but most of the time i just play java edtion

2021-03-05 15:56:00 UTC  

i actually figured out how to add mods to bedrock so that was nice

2021-03-05 15:56:18 UTC  

huh ur speaking smart

2021-03-05 15:56:30 UTC  

whats bedrock and java

2021-03-05 15:57:40 UTC  

bedrock is like xbox and console and java is like the original minecraft like where you buy it from and stuff

2021-03-05 15:57:51 UTC  

ah i see

2021-03-05 15:58:06 UTC  


2021-03-05 15:58:08 UTC  

i see too

2021-03-05 15:59:09 UTC  

i found a diamond in a shipreck :>

2021-03-05 15:59:28 UTC  

what shipreck tf

2021-03-05 15:59:38 UTC  

u playing modded?

2021-03-05 15:59:42 UTC  

no vanilla

2021-03-05 15:59:51 UTC  

you have missed multiple updates-

2021-03-05 16:00:16 UTC  

<:Ben_Cringe:752572527120875520> why would they add shiprecks

2021-03-05 16:00:31 UTC  

i dunno because the ocean was to boring

2021-03-05 16:00:43 UTC  

theres coral and fish now '-' and dolphins that attack you if you hit them

2021-03-05 16:00:44 UTC  

it has squids

2021-03-05 16:00:50 UTC  

it was too plain

2021-03-05 16:00:57 UTC  

it was just gravel at the bottom

2021-03-05 16:01:09 UTC  

i saw the dolphins i didn't know there was coral thats dope

2021-03-05 16:01:28 UTC  

yea its pretty cool

2021-03-05 16:01:52 UTC  

and then once in a while finding a buried treasure is a pain in the neck

2021-03-05 16:02:29 UTC  

pirate style?

2021-03-05 16:02:51 UTC  


2021-03-05 16:03:25 UTC  

you should start playing again '-'

2021-03-05 16:03:53 UTC  

yeah i should i might get it on my xbox

2021-03-05 16:04:06 UTC  


2021-03-05 16:05:32 UTC  

i wanna do like the rtx minecraft but i dunno i dont think my stuff is overpwered enough for rtx-

2021-03-05 16:06:09 UTC  


2021-03-05 16:06:14 UTC  

i've finished one problem