Message from @ElCalafate
Discord ID: 812827643938078721
And she is trying to say Dr Suess is racist and tried to recommend children’s books
“A is for Activism”
oh wait, they said cis, that means normal, I forgot
And this one book called “black is brown is tan”
And a book about gay babies I think
I asked them this
They pussyfooted around it
But in the comments I put “Nah” and got blocked
"Luigi dont be such a dinophobe, you need all the colours to make a rainbow, except black, there is no black in a rainbow"-Mario
cuz white dude wrote it i guess?
Also who needs a book to learn colours?
When I was going through the white house youtube page rapidly downvoting every video, it was only playing the first second of the videos and it just sounded like an old man moaning
White supremacy makes an appearance
wow I guess LBGTSJEFSKESLAOAOEOJX are racist then because their flag doesn't have any black
"ohhh" <next video> "uhhh" <next video> "aahhh" <next video>
I identify as a potted cantaloupe plant
I started to feel bad
they do the same to Lovecraft, they need to stop stomping on well established writers from the past and make their own shit, if they know better
DR Sues was a racist but that doesn't invalidate his work mostly, like once the guy is dead there is no moral justification for not buying the book really, like being aware the writer was racist so you can spot racist overtones that might have slipped in their work is important but not invalidating it
how was he racist?
is anyone here knowlegable on chromosomes
Imma say the n word
the shitty thing is, they ones that do profit off of his stories, are the first ones to toss him under the bus its gross
HP lovecraft had a bunch of problems <:KEK:795742276549607456> image telling your jewsih wife anti semitic rants at the dinner table