Message from @RyaanVee

Discord ID: 815757004001116160

2021-03-01 01:07:48 UTC  

yes brother but i hope we can reach sucess for the future of america

2021-03-01 01:08:00 UTC  


2021-03-01 01:09:11 UTC  

Is it true that Trump carried out more drone and airstrike attacks than Obama?

I'm so confused 😂

2021-03-01 01:09:39 UTC  

Who cares?

2021-03-01 01:09:52 UTC  

With what Biden is doing now, I always thought that Trump was better than that

2021-03-01 01:09:52 UTC  

If he did does it matter?

2021-03-01 01:10:20 UTC  

If innocent people die as a cause of it, then shouldn't it matter?

2021-03-01 01:11:07 UTC  

Of course, but it's war, collateral damage is sad but inevitable

2021-03-01 01:11:29 UTC  

One sec

2021-03-01 01:21:16 UTC  

Okay short answer: it does matter: but it doesn't right now. Not with Joe the joke in the white whore house now. The media being dominated by the left even conservative networks are being censored, they literally have to say certain things, news max did, Obama depleted the military, but he made our doctrine on drones, when trump came into office we had isis waging a war in the middle east with the battle of mosul going on. He'll I remember the reports in 2015 saying the military is running out of ordinance. Not planes not pilots but ammunition. This reliance and the crisis gave trump little choice, so literally this is Obama and bushes fault. The alternative was to let more civilians die and the bad guys living

2021-03-01 01:22:04 UTC  

So it's all for the bigger picture. I kind of got that, just sad y'know

2021-03-01 01:22:23 UTC  

Biden if the military survives will put us back on it. Or a worst system

2021-03-01 01:22:46 UTC  

Who knows maybe well start building ww1 bi planes to compensate

2021-03-01 01:23:28 UTC  

Like a spitfire 😂

2021-03-01 01:24:23 UTC  

Sad, yes, but necessary, war is never pretty. It also should be noted none of this would be necessary if it was for Obama and Biden's complete lack of leadership at best at worst treason

2021-03-01 01:24:39 UTC  

No spitfire would blow ww1 planes out of the sky

2021-03-01 01:25:26 UTC  

Ww1 planes are kind of like primitive weapons like swords are to firearms

2021-03-01 01:25:31 UTC  

Appreciate your input and answering politely. Was just something I wanted to query

2021-03-01 01:25:55 UTC  

Glad to help, don't mention it

2021-03-01 01:26:43 UTC  

Y'all should see or hear the Spotify adds I get. SJWs

2021-03-01 01:27:05 UTC  

Sounds similar to YouTube

2021-03-01 01:27:10 UTC  

Everyone every single dammable thing

2021-03-01 01:27:57 UTC  

They even promoted the riots

2021-03-01 01:28:06 UTC  

I even get videos recommended that are of no interest. "Non binary people of color discussing their thoughts on the police"

2021-03-01 01:28:07 UTC  

The irony

2021-03-01 01:28:33 UTC  

What happened to no violence and that we need to heal?

2021-03-01 01:28:40 UTC  

You don't even have to watch it to know the dialogue

2021-03-01 01:29:02 UTC  

Only works when it suits the narrative

2021-03-01 01:29:05 UTC  

It's best you don't they kill brain cells

2021-03-01 01:29:52 UTC  

Exactly, like China, there condemming the human genocide or whatever now, but there other genocides there doing that aren't being reported

2021-03-01 01:30:21 UTC  

“Never forget” well they did forget it's only remembered when one can cash in on it.

2021-03-01 01:30:28 UTC  

Stutter, stammer, sheer illiteracy- whatever it was. Biden lets slip the n word and there's nothing reported about it, of course everything is explained away

2021-03-01 01:30:39 UTC  

He's not well, it's very clear

2021-03-01 01:31:01 UTC  

You have video of the n word?

2021-03-01 01:31:15 UTC  

Even Biden put that down to cultural norms or something, right?

2021-03-01 01:32:03 UTC  

He's funny, I'm gonna miss it when kamilia takes over. At least Joe Biden we can make endless memes, kammilia were gonna have to resort to whore memes

2021-03-01 01:32:27 UTC

It is obviously Biden being Biden, bumbling idiot but at around 15:33 you'll hear it. Even the closed captions caught it

2021-03-01 01:32:52 UTC  

(Also apologies to any admin etc if I can post links in this section)

2021-03-01 01:32:57 UTC  

trump 2024

2021-03-01 01:32:58 UTC  


2021-03-01 01:33:18 UTC  

Yes, but you know what for once he's right, asan history is like this, this is how it is in their world for thousands of year's, however he was using it to excuse it or make their behavior okay, that's what's wrongq