Message from @kick me yikes me
Discord ID: 793667922769346580
we know
this is what no pussy does to a mf
whats the discord
i thought heimbach became a radlib apollogist???
he runs this show?
Slavery was bad for America
it imported blacks
That's about it
literally just castrate them
slavery was amazing
im a big fan
it as a moral ill, well blacks as slaves worked less hours than normal farmers in the South lol
morally ill lol?
this means something
less testosterone means weaker slaves
I'm saying it isn't
who cares
@A stranger retarded
Forced labor is based
u dont become invalid when ur castrated lol
Trans rights
trans slaves
had the united states not had slaves the only thing that can be definitively stated is that there would be less productive forces working the fields
I got muted in d-live ..... big tech censorship strikes again .....
blackpilled again
@Blonde Bestie theyre muting the giuli gang
castration messes up test levels, sure there's less aromization of estrogen but still, you're weaker
you'll have the test levels of an 80 year old
they do the work, they dont reproduce
I will sissify my slaves
people today have test levels of 80 year olds