Message from @kick me yikes me
Discord ID: 793717523094044673
maoism is retarded
He started making fun of commies and my irish buddies told me to follow him
only path that matters is ironpill
post your loadouts
I'm a black woman who's planning to travel to Albania with a friend and her family. I have read many disturbing reviews regarding racism in Albania, and how it's really bad. I'm not one to generalize, and most of the albanians I've come across have been nice. I'm just wondering if there are some things/places I should be especially cautious of?
Thank you for answering my question
fed datamining
this comming from the glowie
don't post gats and gear on public discords
go back to 4chan
stfu I'm giving good advice
Ok mom
and most blacks
illegal hi point
tied to 13 murders
nobody cares
dont post GUNS
i will do it rn
Nazis are bad mkay
nu/k/ is a shitty place
of course the spic is a pedophile
High level redpills here
shut up
muh white supreemacists
I know how trump can win
Post nose