Message from @thecarlinrhode
Discord ID: 812376982066298900
World Happiness meter
Back again at the happiness counter
I'm light-headed bro
the way he tries to force woland into normative statements ist pretty cringe
This nigga is a caricature
holy shit does he not understand that securing material needs are fundamental, you'll go into survival mode if those needs aren't met
the whole notion of fascism being "true" is juist dumb lol
the biggest issue here is that his mic is louder than wolands
he always out talks in a break
Well shit
woland, buy a louder mic
lol true
just get a janny to turn his sound down
i think they can do that
Scream at him Woland
this faggot keeps..
hes forming wolands argument for him
Priority Speaker: ON
i could set him as a lower priority speaker but i dont think that would be received well lol
@Perspective Philosophy shut the fuck up soybeard fuck
When I look outside I see no happiness counter
Explain this one libtards
Audio is fine in the stream
china isnt wholesome chungus
nevermind this libtard, look at my rimworld colony
there are literal islamist extremist lol
u got a study on that ?
sources bro
why are libtards so bad at accents
i got live leaks of xinjiang people being stabbed to death lol
Brazillian fascist is an integralist.
Crazy Brazilian fascist might be a psychopath
Rates of suicide in the Third Reich
why is it such a difficult idea to understand that ideology effects how people interact in the state