Message from @juni
Discord ID: 812380876662636595
you have no choice what others endorse
other states will not collaborate with you
not necessarily as a rule
if one sees possible gain, or has a deficit, conflict will ensue
those are the type of people who think if they would be able to tell everyone to be nice the world will turn into an utopia overnight
John Lennon Imagine type niggas
yeah yeah first world person, just stop having the technology you have
fucking retard
"democracy prevents class conflict" is a very hot take
democracy prevents class conflict
oh my god lol, just because securing your fundamental material needs isn't a end of itself but a fundamental means to happiness doesn't disqualify as a source for happiness
"capitalism promotes class conflict"
isn't much better a take
Let's get retarded in here
this argument is so disingenuous
two sides of the same retard coin
and humans are predators
jesus people
who placed the bot lo
people can't be happy for more than a short moment. it's called the hedonic treadmill
"consumerism makes democrats happy but it's bad"
pick a side already
ja und?
rot-weiß-rot bis in den tod!
Ihr seid Deutsch!!!!
ok piefke
karl der grosse is french
ned jetzt und hier
current year, so history irrelevant
called it
correction lads: 5th edition of french republic