Message from @BigJim

Discord ID: 807744792116330537

2021-02-06 22:44:16 UTC  

Our lifestyle needs to change anyways

2021-02-06 22:44:20 UTC  

You get no choice

2021-02-06 22:44:24 UTC  


2021-02-06 22:44:30 UTC  

Climate change and unsustainable living are an issue

2021-02-06 22:44:33 UTC  


2021-02-06 22:45:01 UTC  

Just accept this cock into your mouth, then. You get no choice.

2021-02-06 22:47:11 UTC  

Resources could be managed in a way that didn't take too much from us but bettered conditions for struggling societies.

2021-02-06 22:47:26 UTC  

I know that we're gonna reach peak oil at one point. From there on, you have two options. Stifle the industrialization efforts of other countries/sterilize their populations to have more of their resources for ourselves
have everyone on the planet be worse-off economically

2021-02-06 22:47:34 UTC  

Kind of like how we create enough food for 10 billion and yet some starve

2021-02-06 22:47:34 UTC  

I believe peak energy is true, but why give a fuck about Africa getting its niggerish paws on dwindling resources

2021-02-06 22:48:01 UTC  

The happiness meter may not be real, but the number of resources surely is.

2021-02-06 22:48:17 UTC  

I would rather loose some material comforts than have to genocide a continent.

2021-02-06 22:48:22 UTC  

At the end of the day I'll choose to chop of the hands of people trying to get into my boat than let it sink.

2021-02-06 22:48:23 UTC  

I agree

2021-02-06 22:48:28 UTC  

Resource number are real

2021-02-06 22:48:36 UTC  

You live in fucking Australia

2021-02-06 22:48:38 UTC  

look around

2021-02-06 22:48:44 UTC  

Resources are a zero sum game are they?

2021-02-06 22:48:56 UTC  


2021-02-06 22:49:17 UTC  

I'd rather live than not live, that means that some people may have to die for that. That's the way it is.

2021-02-06 22:49:25 UTC  


2021-02-06 22:49:32 UTC  

How many lives is your life worth?

2021-02-06 22:49:40 UTC  

In theory

2021-02-06 22:49:50 UTC  

As many as it needs.

2021-02-06 22:50:05 UTC  


2021-02-06 22:50:16 UTC  

yall too selfish

2021-02-06 22:50:17 UTC  


2021-02-06 22:50:29 UTC  

People of your own ethnoligusitc group?

2021-02-06 22:50:31 UTC  

idk why ya need to live like a king so much

2021-02-06 22:50:35 UTC  


2021-02-06 22:51:08 UTC  

Would you be fine with people of your in group dying in mass if it saved your life?

2021-02-06 22:51:20 UTC  

Ideally, people who are not like me at all. Even better if they are my enemies.

2021-02-06 22:51:28 UTC  

I know

2021-02-06 22:51:33 UTC  

But what if they are like you

2021-02-06 22:51:41 UTC  

I would never know that.

2021-02-06 22:51:54 UTC  

And I don't know what you mean by like me.

2021-02-06 22:52:02 UTC  

We would have almost nothing in common.

2021-02-06 22:52:31 UTC  

If you can either die or 10 people of your ingroup who do you choose?

2021-02-06 22:52:43 UTC  

Your life or the life of your tribe members

2021-02-06 22:53:08 UTC  

Just a dumb though experiment

2021-02-06 22:53:09 UTC  

I'd give my life for my own people. If they weren't, I would prefer my own life.