Message from @ihatemyself
Discord ID: 793582645798764564
Happens to the best of them
best more like worst
cuz if he knew the basics he'd been able to hold out for more than 5 minutes
I cant imagine myself giving a shit about all that deep econonic stuff😂
arent you the tribalist
fuck you
No fuck you
Youre gay
You get fucked
@ihatemyself what
you got destroyed
you dont have a privilige to what me anymore
literally pathetic lmao
stop tagging me you piece of shit
bro im trying to do something important
she sho shan sho sha mejikon
Sounds argentinian
no its cpc natioanl song or something
idk the only other chinese song thats popular
I only know the one about nukes
oh also
how did china get their nuclear program
i still dont know
same with the uk and france
but i mean their a bit obvious
Look in youtube
not for china tho
Theres videos
no fuck youtube