Message from @Rapid Steve
Discord ID: 809507997189144666
Who me? Nigga I have two gf irl
They can't find about each other!!!!!
Gonna explain anti-Norman theory to my first gf tonight
russian nationalist girl left her country for anglo scot, this says alot about slavic society
Gonna get her wet
Time of troubles
slavs and scots are the same tho (subhuman)
knuckle dragging retards
thats what we are
cave men than eat human bodies
Nigga hate yourself
man, at that speed you'll be a anglo nat in 2 weeks
Don't hate Slavs
We are superior
yet rurik was scandinavian curious
nah its just funny
I think scotland is a pretty nice place
So you are just fascist
swedes lost tribe of israel?
Alright Steven you can roll I give you that
is this directed at me
does saying UK history lowkey based make me fascist
Cuz you are racist
this sounds like a liberal statement tbh
But it's true
although pretty true
Unlike myth of Rurik being Norman
Have you even read what I sent you fag
Confedrates first fascist?
Giuli made good statement that Jap was first NatSoc regime
I wouldnt say Im racist
I just think a native population should remain the core population
But you are for fucking over out-groups
how do you mean