Message from @Rapid Steve
Discord ID: 800132783577497650
@Rapid Steve you have bad ideas, no wonder you lack interest to confront them
such as
or anti-imperialism
socialist nationalist lol
Being Scottish
or you literally believing Soviet propaganda is the truth
not scottish, british
Thats a good start
2 world wars 1 world cup, keep crying about it 🇬🇧
We dont cry about it?
Looses empire for Poland
To quote Giuli ''I hope Poland was worth it''
poland >germany
h o w
Poland>your empire
germans are cannibals that have scat fetishes
wtf wolands not a german nationalist
hes german
literally eats human flesh and has a scat fetish
german moment
Pan Germanic
Nibba your ideology says trans rights
2 world wars
1 world cup
who are you calling out on degeneracy
you're one of those people who quote an insult and put it in your bio so i don't trust you
the biggest and most active/relevant communist party in europe is homophobic tbf
but americans I guess
@Rapid Steve which one?
Never heard of it