Message from @Erlik ᚯ
Discord ID: 813447020958318612
We got enough Polish youngsters to wipe elderly germans butts
Thats literally the whole point of the EU
yet you won't be one
The EU beurocracy oversights German law and regulations but the EU is the 4th Reich right
Russia does not have that reservoir
since when arab will cuck you then rope is only solution
the EU is so much more bigger and relevant than Germany, it literally includes France!
Never said it was 4reich its a broader Westeuropean institute
which is failing
its not
Sure thing bud
its carried by France
EU is about paying bilions to Poland when we shit on their muh values
idk what youre talking about
that's how it works
Which isn't failing but Germans are not some all powerful force within it
no one is saying that
The EU will weigh back in the future but it's in stagnation
Yeah! We send you a lot of money and demand nothing in return just don't think about it
>He believes in the EU handing money out for free meme
Not necessarily failing
don´t worry poland will have homo rights soon enough
They don't do it on behalf of Germany
> no one is saying that
You always do but when I show up you play it as a joke, ok let's debate it in VC
i ak
who took no refugee? <:troll:795676641450917888>
who is the first state in EU to ignore democracy rules? <:troll:795676641450917888>
who is silencing political opposition? <:troll:795676641450917888>
who beats up fags in the street? <:troll:795676641450917888>
and who gets biggest nominal donations?
german cope
Can't even type now
if any german points EU in debate it's literally so cringy
since EU has no power over such state as hungary
not to talk about far bigger Poland
Yeah do you think the EU gives a shit? Why did they shill so hard to get Macedonia in. They'll obide even less