Message from @ni co
Discord ID: 813747125656748073
not you
I shit on europe and hope that when I will be 80 I will have chad caliphate on my border instead of inferior german state
I'm saying poles in general that believe in the based poland meme
well most of germans belive that there is nothing wrong with their daughters fucking a nigger
point is beliving in "based poland" changes shit
meanwhile your demographical genocide is real
demographics are real and poland isnt doing better anyway
not only are people not ahving kids but also elaving the country in masses
poles have a false sense of superiority
they're just as fucked as everyone
its a complex of theirs, is all
fucking arrogant people
My heart it pains rn
It bleeds
don't be mad, in one second they yella t you for political reasons in the next they ask for gibs or you fuck their sister in the brothel down the street
Poland haves 1.4 fertility that's right, meanwhile german population is having like 1.1 among native germans
the pole will cry out in pain when you show them that they're hypocrites
wow big fucking difference lmao
did I say so
In next couple of decades avrege age of Germans will be around 50
literally the stats i show disproved that lmao
why are you so braindead
it's below replacement level, who cares
you haven't posted native germans fertility
because you're grasping at straws and it's obvious
you posted averange which includes turks with 2.0 and arabs with even more
> literally the stats i show disproved that lmao
Haven't seen any you posted
same is with french niggers
it matters a lot since economic structure of poland changed, also the public is focused on fertility
scroll up
the green line is germany
so you see government taking more or less succesful takes on increasing TFR
@ni co are you actually iranian btw?
meanwhile what does germany do?
they do shit
Ok bro tone down I don't want to see you arguing against Germans 24/7
they lost hope in their own genes and import negros