Message from @FairUse WA
Discord ID: 327673632832618506
And maybe just to piss the queers off
Iron March reeee
Not Sure if I should tie any of that into VA I'd have to ask about our PR campaign
Sure am getting tired of the jigs and their violence against whites they wanna do gangs and kill each other that's fine but don't go killing and raping my countrymen
If I could just get like 15-20 members in my area I could coordinate it all in one night in the target areas but it will be a bit of a challenge on my own
Anyway my plan is to first put out all this kind of stuff hopefully get people thinking a little bit more about what's really going on around them then come in with some softer VA recruiting posters
Those black on white flyers are pristine
God yes totally what the media suppresses and we all know the first thing they will do is google it and get the story
Kevin let me know which day you poster. I'll poster the same posters on the same day. If we can get some other guys going, it will make it look like a region wide orchestrated event, which will imply massive numbers
People are more likely to cast in their lot with us if they think there are lots of us rather than just 10-20
I might do it
Thinking Saturday
I was going to throw some vanguard ones
Expecting a Muslim attack this weekend. Saturday is the final day of Ramadan and is also a Gay Pride march in Nashville, with a projected 15-20k turn out
Sunday will be prime anti-Muslim poster day if so
So not Sunday
Anti-white crime posters combined with We Have a Right to Exist posters?
Agreed do you have me on friends list? We will set up a date I need to look at a actual paper map and plot my route and target areas and as always have a contingency plan I'll be solo and at some point behind the lines of the white areas so I gotta be on my toes with it
1) Teach me to think like you.
2) Isn't the day before better, so that they complain that night and it turns out you were right the next day?
I'll add you. 30 mins and I can plan some more.
Good call about day before
Like the Trump Sweden thing.
Let me get in on this here.
Lol no
There are things I like about QR codes for postering. You can't slander a QR code. So you get to control the first impression with a kick-ass video.
Imagine instead of seeing some "that's racist" TV message, we put up a hate fact and then they aim their cell phone and meekly squirrel off to watch a video like this:
So we poster to raise awareness and get recruits. Those new recruits poster and we do some rallies every once in a while. Get a few recruits from those, and they help keep the cycle going.
Where are we taking this? Realistiically, what does step two look like?
I think both is best. Poster anti-Muslim posters before Saturday, but don't use Imagine a Muslim Free America. Save that til after Saturday, then when the death tolls start rolling in, send those out.
Get people thinking about what our nation would be like without their filth. @FairUse WA
Of course if there aren't attacks State-side then the impact will be lessened, but I would bet my home that there will be a grand finale to Ramadan in Europe
@Tedium The long term goal is to create a nation within a nation. We're not just engaging in activism, we're creating networks of likeminded people bound by a unifying ideology. Rallies are fun, but what they really serve to do is train our members to work together. Eventually we want our communities to do as much as they can to seperate themselves from the system.
You should wake up in the morning in a bed covered in sheets sewn by VA women, eat some eggs from a local VA farm, drive to a shop owned by a VA member and then get your car fixed by a VA mechanic.
We have these skills, we just need a lot of numbers to start making these things feasible.
The activism game will carry on for some time, and creating a media network and having more campaigns of practical activism will help.
Neighborhood watches serve an actual purpose while being activism. So does a food drive for White Americans.
This is exactly what our race needs ^
We must Organize
That's why we're all here, Cody. That's why I'm up at 1 am answering emails.
How exactly do we organize White food drives? What has been used in the past? I am from a destitute area and now live near a separate one. I'm heavily interested in that.
Well we'd need people, funding, and food. There also needs to be families who would wish to receive the food. I'm sure it's not too complicates, just takes preparation.
Lets say we have the resources. There is already a need. How do we enforce it benefiting Whites only? On the one hand, how do we keep police from shutting us down for being rayciss, and on the other how do we ensure that AntiFa cucks don't just take the food and destroy it?
As long as we aren't tax exempt or receiving public funding and are on private property cops can't do anything, but that certainly gives us larger roadblocks
We could learn from churches and do house calls for food drives
Brainstorming here