Message from @Dilan Rona

Discord ID: 800855872128942081

2021-01-18 21:15:20 UTC  

Extracted from a web page.

```Already in 2007 Kim Clement prophesy on Donald Trump who will become President of the United States of America and again in 2014. He prophesy that the Democrats will shout impeach, impeach and will impeach President Trump, but will not be able to remove him and he will be a two-term President. Kim Clement also prophesy of a crisis and pandemic that will hit the world not during Obama’s time, but during the time of President Trump, and that God will give him the wisdom in how to deal with the crisis, which we see President Trump is doing exactly that, defeating the Deep State and also where the Cabal will be voted out. Even as the Democrats and the Deep state are scheming and planning to regain power and win back the White House and regain there own power, that they will not succeed, since God will reveal the plans of the Democrats and the Deep state and defeat them. God also strengthen President Trump, giving him a great mind, to be a genius and will lead the USA out of the Crisis and take down the source of all debt, the Central Banking System and the Banking Cartel.```

2021-01-18 21:15:46 UTC  

Just remember, God's in control and President knows what's at stake, its best to listen to him and stay away from rallies for the next few days. Stay peaceful and buy some popcorn. If you feel compelled to act remember the bible says. "Blessed are the meek." If your not religous remember, its always better to learn from others mistakes. Look at whats happened to the 6ths protestors, even many nonviolent ones are being heavily prosecuted. Dont go. Its as simple as that.

2021-01-18 21:17:39 UTC  

If it looks like a setup, smells like a setup, then it is a setup. Whitepanda is right.

2021-01-18 21:26:16 UTC  

For those of you not on gab. This was in the feed today

2021-01-18 22:17:30 UTC  

That's been in the news for a couple of days now

2021-01-18 22:19:22 UTC  

Anyone seen any strange containers in locations where they are not supposed to be in the USA?

2021-01-18 22:19:35 UTC  


2021-01-18 22:19:42 UTC  

Shipping containers

2021-01-18 22:22:15 UTC  

Ummm. Maybe yes? I think I saw a new shipping container appear. Like 2 weeks ago

2021-01-18 22:23:56 UTC  

Its at a intersection by a subdivision intersection called 4 seasons? I think.... in cartersville georgia. Its a smaller than usual shipping container thats why I noticed it

2021-01-18 22:24:35 UTC  

Why are we looking for them now?

2021-01-18 22:25:55 UTC

2021-01-18 22:26:20 UTC  

This one i believe was red

2021-01-18 22:27:08 UTC  

Bw ive heard rumors but only managed to confirm the 75k in Canada.

2021-01-18 22:27:20 UTC  

Those shipping containers are big enough to house military assets, and i am not just talking about missiles either. hence my question. any containers in locations where they are not supposed to be, or that appeared receintly.

2021-01-18 22:27:30 UTC  

I know several Canadians that are saying they have seen them

2021-01-18 22:27:32 UTC  

Apparently they believe that they are ccp missile systems

2021-01-18 22:29:50 UTC

2021-01-18 22:30:55 UTC  

Your gonna make me look in every frieght container I come across lol

2021-01-18 22:37:37 UTC  

I saw that picture once before thanks for sharing it. I was hoping I'd come across it again.

2021-01-18 22:40:08 UTC  

Scary thing is, its only going to get worse. Not just the U(D?)SA.

2021-01-18 22:41:46 UTC  

Is there an admin to this server that has direct contact with those at infowars?

2021-01-18 22:47:51 UTC  

Try the owner of this discord.

2021-01-18 22:48:02 UTC  

The invite link is on the Infowars site

2021-01-18 22:49:46 UTC  

Is there an official search for those crates going on?

2021-01-18 22:50:30 UTC  

I keep seeing articles regarding weaponised containers.

2021-01-18 22:50:44 UTC  

Ran into one again just today.

2021-01-18 22:53:00 UTC  


2021-01-18 22:53:17 UTC  

The FBI apparently is also vetting the troops. Which begs the question. Why vet them if over 80% (what we are told) are loyal to biden.

2021-01-18 22:53:40 UTC  

The demo(n)cRats are obviously scared and paranoid

2021-01-18 22:56:12 UTC

2021-01-18 22:59:04 UTC  

Red and Green zones. Why does it look like the TV series "Dark Angel" more and more?

2021-01-18 23:02:45 UTC  

There is a definite false flag event going to take place, and they will be targeting your Second Amendment. With the blame placed on all Conservatives and especially Trump supporters.

I wish everyone the best of luck so they can get through this intact.