Message from @Mr. Random

Discord ID: 802054257653841940

2021-01-22 04:17:51 UTC  


2021-01-22 04:21:41 UTC  

Thats media brainwashing for ya. Some people just can't accept that the world has evil in it

2021-01-22 04:22:17 UTC  

And that evils first objective is always to make itself appear good

2021-01-22 04:24:11 UTC  

shes as brainwashed as you can get

2021-01-22 04:24:15 UTC  

shes a drug adddict

2021-01-22 04:24:28 UTC  

who is a wicca

2021-01-22 04:24:49 UTC  

she believes in potions and all that but yet she hates christians

2021-01-22 04:24:56 UTC  

says jesus is illogical

2021-01-22 04:25:04 UTC  

yet tarot cards are not

2021-01-22 04:25:09 UTC  


2021-01-22 04:29:02 UTC  

Tell her she's right Jesus is illogical. Thats why he loves her

2021-01-22 04:30:09 UTC  

( if your smart you wont say that)

2021-01-22 04:30:18 UTC  


2021-01-22 04:32:03 UTC  

shes what we call a wigger

2021-01-22 04:32:13 UTC  

white person trying to look like a black rapper

2021-01-22 04:32:28 UTC  

and trying so hard it makes her look racist

2021-01-22 04:32:44 UTC  

come to think of it.... thats most of the left

2021-01-22 04:35:16 UTC  

its like they feel so ashamed of being white they try to not act like a white person and try to act like a stereotype of a black person to seem less racist

2021-01-22 05:56:36 UTC  

decades of brainwashing and rotten education

2021-01-22 05:57:16 UTC  

i never met her anyway irl lol. she was my online girlfriend when I was younger and didnt actually meet people irl much

2021-01-22 05:57:20 UTC  

thankfully lol

2021-01-22 05:57:29 UTC  

im happy i never actually knew her LOL

2021-01-22 05:57:45 UTC  

that's also a problem .. online living ain't no living

2021-01-22 05:57:50 UTC  


2021-01-22 05:58:00 UTC  

there is no such thing as an internet gf

2021-01-22 05:58:03 UTC  

i was like 15 though so i forgive myself

2021-01-22 05:58:09 UTC  

🙂 hehe

2021-01-22 05:58:16 UTC  

i was stupid and thought the liberals were telling the truth

2021-01-22 05:58:29 UTC  

im 21 now so i learned my lesson long ago LOL

2021-01-22 05:58:51 UTC  

still a boy 😉

2021-01-22 05:59:07 UTC  

which is a good thing and a bad thing

2021-01-22 05:59:08 UTC  


2021-01-22 05:59:18 UTC  

more life to go 😉

2021-01-22 05:59:25 UTC  

unless its the end times LOL

2021-01-22 05:59:33 UTC  

argh indeed

2021-01-22 05:59:57 UTC

2021-01-22 06:00:03 UTC  


2021-01-22 06:00:41 UTC  

pentagon still won't tell Biden about 'current operation'

2021-01-22 06:01:09 UTC  

.... imagine Q is right at the last second lol .. I'd love that .. I'd gladly eat my shorts

2021-01-22 06:01:27 UTC  

and both feet