Message from @Sputnik

Discord ID: 805214799649964093

2021-01-30 03:06:27 UTC

2021-01-30 17:00:05 UTC  
2021-01-30 18:03:51 UTC  
2021-01-30 22:02:43 UTC  

Hey anyone got some stock market advice?

2021-01-30 22:28:27 UTC  

Trump impeachment ‘unlikely’ to reach 67 votes in Senate: Former Sen. Kerrey Mornings with Maria FOX Business

2021-01-30 22:38:16 UTC  

Yeah buy and hold GME, NOK, AMC, and silver if you can get your hands on it

2021-01-30 23:16:08 UTC  

thats terrible advice

2021-01-31 18:15:36 UTC  

Do you ever feel things just don't add up? That we're distracted and not asking the right questions?
However implausible, that when we actually: dare to look openly in detail - there is:

No Virus (never uniquely isolated, filtered, nor identified…)
No Test (fake diagnostics of a PCR ’test’…)
No Contagion (substitute, and other causes of ‘covid’ death…)

But there are: toxic death hotspots, financial inducements, medical murder... but no autopsies.

2021-01-31 18:46:17 UTC  
2021-01-31 20:47:39 UTC  

And when trying to get people to wake up to that fact there is the risk of being labelled a nut case. You are not the only one.

2021-01-31 20:48:51 UTC  

the virus is real its just not that bad

2021-01-31 21:02:00 UTC  

Then why is there conflicting stories when asking for proof that the virus in question had in fact been isolated and purified before developing the test kits?

2021-01-31 21:02:19 UTC  

Whenever the company is asked they admit it was not done.

2021-01-31 21:03:46 UTC  

it's always mutating, so that is why flu vaccines are not effective, they reduce your immune system and cause side effects on next injection to your body cells, this is what GPs don't tell you, either they are ignorant, either they are eager to make a deal to get paid by big pharma. It's a pay to play game, it is based on their propaganda.

2021-01-31 21:04:44 UTC  

The only test available is serology and then they can check your immune system against the disease

2021-01-31 21:05:49 UTC  

The fact that it mutates is also a natural known occurence. Only, the public doesn't know that fact and are not adequately informed of it either.

2021-01-31 21:07:35 UTC  

They manufacture a vaccine based on the virus 6 month past in the south hemisphere, but even 6 months later the virus mutates, this is why it's not effective, the only chance to get a protection is null and void. You get a side effect on your own body because the cells are attacked by unknown outside virus. The best protection, is your general health condition and body/mind balance and food.

2021-01-31 21:10:32 UTC  

The WHO and big pharma, the Rothschilds and Bill Gates are all in this together for profit, they are trained LIARS