Message from @AngloCelticRebel

Discord ID: 468598250287661056

2018-07-17 01:58:39 UTC  

Really late

2018-07-17 01:58:45 UTC  

thats not to bad

2018-07-17 01:58:49 UTC  

I like the idea of early morning church

2018-07-17 01:58:51 UTC  

Feels nice

2018-07-17 01:58:54 UTC  

there's a nice Tex-Mex restaurant here in Texas called Chuy's where they print botht he Protestant and Catholic lord's prayer on the back of their silverware wrappers.

2018-07-17 01:59:06 UTC  

@Thomas wait fr? I've been to chuys

2018-07-17 01:59:07 UTC  

It's always nice to see little wholesome things left in the world.

2018-07-17 01:59:09 UTC  


2018-07-17 01:59:13 UTC  

@Thomas never knew that

2018-07-17 01:59:26 UTC  

They also do it for the Jews, but meh, that's wahtever.

2018-07-17 01:59:44 UTC  

I almost forgot my phone at a chuys once lmao. The bus boy ran outside and gave it to me

2018-07-17 01:59:55 UTC  

They're cool guys.

2018-07-17 02:00:05 UTC  

You ever had Elvis Green Chili Fried Chicken?

2018-07-17 02:00:11 UTC  

That's their best shit.

2018-07-17 02:00:14 UTC  

To me at least.

2018-07-17 02:01:12 UTC  

@Thomas no I'm a picky eater lmao, I'm just now starting to get better about it

2018-07-17 02:01:41 UTC  

I was like that when I was little. I actually developed a set of meat rules that help me not to eat weird shit.

2018-07-17 02:01:44 UTC  

im gunna have to have this tatoed

2018-07-17 02:01:47 UTC  

ill never remeber it

2018-07-17 02:02:09 UTC  

What language is amen? Where did it come from?

2018-07-17 02:02:14 UTC  


2018-07-17 02:02:19 UTC  

"Let it be true!"

2018-07-17 02:02:26 UTC  


2018-07-17 02:02:30 UTC  


2018-07-17 02:02:43 UTC  

I've been trying to memorize the Lord's Prayer in Latin but dammit all it's proving difficult.

2018-07-17 02:02:48 UTC  

oooof powerful meaning

2018-07-17 02:02:56 UTC  

Powerful meaning indeed.

2018-07-17 02:03:01 UTC  

Latin is such a sincere language.

2018-07-17 02:03:17 UTC  

It underwent many evolutions and renditions.

2018-07-17 02:07:39 UTC  

Pater noster qui es in coelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum;
adveniat regnum tuum,
fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in coelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
et ne nos inducas in tentationem
sed libera nos a malo.


Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


2018-07-17 02:07:50 UTC  

Leaving that here for obvious purposes.

2018-07-17 02:09:08 UTC  

i can prounces latin better than 99.9 percent of people man its hard

2018-07-17 02:09:12 UTC  

but remebering all that

2018-07-17 02:09:37 UTC  

I want to try and memorize the entire book of psalms

2018-07-17 02:09:38 UTC  

@Joe the boomer what's the best way to start learning latin

2018-07-17 02:09:42 UTC  

Do you pronounce it in Ecclesiastical Latin or Classical Latin? @Joe the boomer

2018-07-17 02:09:45 UTC  


2018-07-17 02:09:56 UTC  

proably a mix of both

2018-07-17 02:10:02 UTC  

self eduamacated

2018-07-17 02:10:11 UTC  

I'm in conflict because Ecclesiastical is likea slightly more vulgar form, but it's what's used by the church,