Message from @-MH- ghost
Discord ID: 413460642096218132
there ya go @Skrrt , thanks for everything you do
No problem, I'm glad to see y'all were able to keep a server going
Yeah should last, as our rule against all socialists joining will keep neetsocs out, so discord doesn't physically remove us
Oh wait shit i just realized that you run anticomofficial is well, noice
Ayy it's @Skrrt
Are you an anime fag?
Nah, old inside joke
Weebs are welcome here, just no ponyfags or furfags
You scared me for a second
Lel no
You should remove weebs
na i have a soft spot for them
That's gay af
Well depends how you define weebs
Anime fags
Any anime fag
as in like kids with actual waifu pillows?
That's already way to far
Anime pfps get banned in lrg
Eh i think that's too harsh imo
y'all nj?
Just me
been watching the podcast?
Na been busy recently, i intend to check it out though
Only saw that it existed yesterday, i think it was the third one i saw mentioned
we'll have kessler on tonight
Jason Kessler, organized cville
Ah cool
What time?
probably around 7 or 8
maybe later