Message from @aura
Discord ID: 525830189155090432
Bad word make real bad real
@Adolf Hitler im being a good guy
You bad
I will call mom
he slit my throat with an noun
is it gay to be attracted to rly feminine men if they're under 18
What the fuck yes
Also pedo
They're hot
I value hakus answer more
Youre not
<:Fuhrer:523178647482531840> is calling you
He wonders how he missed to gas you
What if he Looks like a female kind of
And isn't white
Hebephilia is natural order
No jesus christ
Its just rhetorical question
Loving any kind of man outside of your family is gay
Ok Thanks @Z I G M A
@aura it's not gay if you can brutally rape it
Ok Thanks
Will do
Fucking degenerates
Read Nietzsche faggot
Fuggin dagenarete
Yeah that
Hey guys
Reed seej
<:drumpftard:523178652129558537> <:drumpftard:523178652129558537>
I bought a flag
Nietzsche is normie tier
You're right
Like on par with MAGA