Message from @clogged sink
Discord ID: 800427149903265792
it's a joke you sped
it's a fucking joke
no shit lol
40 iq spastic
still not good to give ground to the idea that tons of people believe
you are not bright
Search up the beer hall putsch
still not good to be wearing a santa hat halfway through january
the santa hat stays on year round
your out of season pal
u think im uneducated on the joke
sorry pal your outta season
tis always the season
either that or your autistic
learn grammar
are you being ableist towards autismos?
not very cool dude
thats hilariou
thats me dude
Don't be rude about my frtiend
oh my bad sorry friend youre looking very melinated today
yo this dude outta pocket fr
no im not
we know thats cap tho....
Just let out a big ass burp
very epic
The time for coziness is over
mypillow guy petitioning trump to play croc
to put a small 7 inch line of shit on croc's face on the wiki
Small 7 inch
that photo is real btw
Mypillow guy is Q