Message from @seq
Discord ID: 804138783606964234
Discord was just banned
Going back to McDonalds. Yall wan anything?
WSB 100x more successful than occupy Wall Street
yeah get me uhhhhhhhhhhhh McRib
and an ice cream
sorry shake machine broke
No one asked for a shake retard
I was saying this earlier
GME dumping, dont fall for it
this is manipulation
Shorts going in all at once to drive it into a panic sell
Dont fall for it, stay strong brothers!
Legit all you need to do is not touch your money
Even if it keeps falling, it's bot going back to Tuesdays price anytime soon
get me a mcflurry bro
33k Sell orders at 1k
what? the number of times you have had gay sex?
Set your sell order at 990
Is AMC done?
Just hodl everything
Never sell
never ever sell
give it to me
@Lying2women how is ur dog today
shes good
playing with her toy
did u take her on big walk today
my brother and i were watching football (soccer) and my brother was shouting VERY loud and my dog was fast asleep
while he was shouting
No I been very busy. My dad walked her tho
you live with parents?
i wouldnt own a dog if i lived alone im gone most of the day
fair nuff