Message from @Repose
Discord ID: 804421545757245500
You can buy .09 shares?
yeah some exchanges like RH allow fractional shares
Just doordashed another McRib meal spicy chicken nugs, triple cheeseburger and a double bacon quarter pounder
Just farted
Niggas eatin good
Forgot to get Apple pie tho
Thanks bro
Wtf what happened to him
rate my steak
its a perfect medium rare too
Looks like a 8/10
GME asks at $5000 outside of retard panic sellers
keep holding
did they make the money free yet
@a dim goon Yeah go to a bank with a note and write give me money
on it
money isnt even real
"hello welcome to the bank would you like to apply for a little plastic card filled with money that you have to pay back to us"
yea like that makes sense
imagine thinking the economy is real
@a dim goon wow you sound like such a incel 🙄
I belong in a cell
If you sell you're a fag
Imagine giving away free money
HODL but celebrate Out of Touch Thursday