Message from @Udyr Shit Post God
Discord ID: 648425008757997568
@NikolaitheDrunk Nice embed boomer
click it you fuckin faggot!
@ikillu Jesus fucking christ
This is what happends when your reach 30?
.yt gundam wing op
Ikilu confirmed sand nigger
<:smork:309402628050124801> watch! she's loving i! oh! oh! uh! oh!
@ikillu I have done this shit
W o k e
me too, ever do the one you lay on side and they push on side of head downwards and the headrest clicks down? chiropractor did it to me and the headrest was locked
ever lay on your stomach and the chiropractor whips out his penis
and dicks you down
hell yea
just gets all the kinks out of my body
I'm watching nisemonogatarand jesus christ
This is the best worst thing I have ever seen
very kino
is gay
Yeah well I ran out of anime and I'm going throug the backlog
Read the book @Udyr Shit Post God
it's way better
Watch uh
.yt tooth brush scene
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
@Solomon I dunno bro I was laughing out loud
Also why are you implying I haven't?
wait, you actually watch anime @Udyr Shit Post God ?
a lot