Message from @The_chickenmaster

Discord ID: 639395769429917714

2019-10-31 09:21:23 UTC  

ok this is stressing me out

2019-10-31 09:21:27 UTC  

What is

2019-10-31 09:23:14 UTC  

SE asked him "can you justify your belief in jesus, the bible and yout faith to me?"
the guy responds with "show me a contradiction in the bible"

when 5 mins ago they where talking about contradictions and that it dosnt matter, because of translation errors

also its a switching of burdon

2019-10-31 09:23:39 UTC  

-df burdon

2019-10-31 09:23:39 UTC  

**Burdon On Society Day**: [January 18th], when everyone is supposed to walk slowly, talk slowly, vandelize neighborhood signs, benches, fences, ect. If the day is on a school day, do not go to school, do not tell your parents you're not going to school, don't call in and let the school know, just don't go. Instead, go to a busy mall, get an empty cart, never buy anything but go to all the small stores and look at stuff in the thin isles for a long time. If you do buy something, buy it in unrolled [nickles and dimes]. If you have the pennies, thats a plus. Also, count out each coin at a time, and half way through pretend to mess up and [start over]. That is one of the thousands of things you can do on this day.
*Justin ~"Man, did you see what Alan and [Regan] did on Burdon On Society Day?"
Cody ~ "Yeah, that [bench] with the car [dealer's] face on it had a cock in his mouth!"*
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2019-10-31 09:24:28 UTC  

Why is it such a horrible definition

2019-10-31 09:25:14 UTC  

the guy isnt letting him go
he is just asking for a contradiction
i dont think this guy wants to have a conversation

2019-10-31 09:25:46 UTC  

Prob not

2019-10-31 09:26:24 UTC  

And he probably goes home at the end of the day thinkin he was right and showed an atheist what an idoit he is for not believing in god

2019-10-31 09:27:15 UTC  

SE realises he isnt going to get off this contradiction question do he is about to give one

guy:"if i show this to be not a contradiction would you believe in god"
guy:"so you do not like jesus christ, even if he was proven and you saw a picture of him, you would not believe in him"

2019-10-31 09:27:35 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:28:00 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:28:03 UTC  

Hes not wrong is he

2019-10-31 09:29:04 UTC  

guy:"even if a judge proven you had commited a false thing, you wouldnt believe it "

2019-10-31 09:29:16 UTC  

this guy dosnt understand basic logic

2019-10-31 09:29:39 UTC  

"Logic Kills People"

2019-10-31 09:29:52 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:30:22 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:30:30 UTC  

"even if im a fool and your a fool, jesus christ still died for you"

2019-10-31 09:30:30 UTC  

I dont know what you expected

2019-10-31 09:30:41 UTC  

Hes not wrong tho is he

2019-10-31 09:30:55 UTC  

he is back in preaching mode

2019-10-31 09:31:37 UTC  

Why are you still watching it when you get annoyed by it

2019-10-31 09:31:42 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:31:54 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:32:01 UTC  

this is in 2014 when SE wasnt as smooth in his conversations

2019-10-31 09:32:25 UTC  

Who is se

2019-10-31 09:32:29 UTC  

-df se

2019-10-31 09:32:29 UTC  

**se**: a gender-neutral [pronoun]
*I don't know who ordered the [pizza], but [se's] in for a [surprise].*
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2019-10-31 09:32:34 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:32:40 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:32:44 UTC  

Tnx urban dictionary

2019-10-31 09:32:47 UTC  

Anthony Magnabosco

2019-10-31 09:33:03 UTC  

Wouldnt that be AM

2019-10-31 09:33:21 UTC  

he does street epistemology so he is simetimes called SE

2019-10-31 09:33:44 UTC  

"denying god exists is like denying your wife exists"

2019-10-31 09:33:49 UTC  

South earth

2019-10-31 09:33:54 UTC  

-df flat earth

2019-10-31 09:33:54 UTC  

**Flat Earth**: The most retarded [theorist] group to ever exist, becoming a Flat Earther poses a high risk to your IQ, and has a possible side effect of giving you Cardiac Arrest, And/Or Removing your brain entirely.
some [flat earthers] belive in an ice wall (Antarctica ) surrounding the earth, with [outside lands] that the rest of the world is hiding.
*[Flat Earthers] have two siapses in their [brain] and [nothing] more*
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2019-10-31 09:33:58 UTC  
