Message from @Egusi

Discord ID: 639787245733150730

2019-11-01 11:21:24 UTC  

You dont believe in it?

2019-11-01 11:21:51 UTC  

is it well defined?

2019-11-01 11:22:03 UTC  

is it scientific

2019-11-01 11:22:14 UTC  

-df climate change

2019-11-01 11:22:14 UTC  

**climate change**: A term used instead of global warming because the full impact of human caused CO2 emissions isn't known to scientists, and many are predicting that worldwide heating of the atmosphere may cause changes in ocean currents, and therefore, in some cases, cooling of some areas like the Eastern [seaboard] of North America.

The existence of climate change is virtually undisputed by all the world's leading scientists. The only people who mock it are fools who have been duped by [the echo chamber] created by [junk science] manufactured by oil companies and car manufacturers, in short, those who have a vested instrest in the status quo.

Only a complete retard or a goof would believe that climate change isn't occuring, or that "left wing" envirotards are part of some vast conspiracy to make-believe that we are in the midst of the sixth great extinction. What possible motive would these pinko commies have to pretend that the climate is changing? What benefit would such [chicken little] posturing have to them? The answer is no benefit whatsoever.

If you aren't sure whose motives are suspect, think of the old Roman proverb "look to see who benefits". [Enviromentalists] don't have some secret hidden agenda, they sincerly just want to live on a habitable planet. They don't make money from saving forests. Who makes money, the corporations, or the environmentalists?

Think about it, as a person who probably acts in their own rational self interest, who is more likely to lie and cheat, the party who stands to make or lose money? Or the poor buffoon who just wants to save some owls, and maybe breathe [clean air]?

Does anyone really honestly think their car exhaust dissapears?
*[Hurricane Katrina] was an intense [storm] that was made more intense by the [effects] of climate change.*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-11-01 11:22:19 UTC  


2019-11-01 11:22:42 UTC  

11:22] BOTThe Oracle -: climate change: A term used instead of global warming because the full impact of human caused CO2 emissions isn't known to scientists,

2019-11-01 11:22:57 UTC  

thats all that is needed

2019-11-01 11:23:20 UTC  

okay @chad46 I would like you to just go away because you are really dumb. You have 1 goal and that is giving stupid comments

2019-11-01 11:23:21 UTC  

you didn't read the whole description, i think thats the problem here

2019-11-01 11:23:23 UTC  

Nope the 2nd thingy is alsp required

2019-11-01 11:23:39 UTC  

you just stop at the first confirmation of your belief

2019-11-01 11:24:07 UTC  

my belief is that is isnt known

2019-11-01 11:24:25 UTC  

im not interseted in reading waffle

2019-11-01 11:24:39 UTC  

yeah which proves my point, you read that "CO2 emissions isn't known to scientist" while completely disregarding the other parts

2019-11-01 11:24:39 UTC  

@chad46 how old are you?

2019-11-01 11:24:47 UTC  

it was called global warming

2019-11-01 11:25:18 UTC  

The existence of climate change is virtually undisputed by all the world's leading scientists. The only people who mock it are fools who have been duped by [the echo chamber] created by [junk science] manufactured by oil companies and car manufacturers, in short, those who have a vested instrest in the status quo."

2019-11-01 11:25:52 UTC  

are you saying that climate change does not exist, or that it is not caused by humans?

2019-11-01 11:25:57 UTC  

how many leading scientist are there?

2019-11-01 11:26:06 UTC  

what kind of a question is that 😂

2019-11-01 11:26:14 UTC  

chad how old are you!!

2019-11-01 11:26:23 UTC  

The existence of climate change is virtually undisputed by all the world's leading scientists.

2019-11-01 11:26:32 UTC  

i would like to know how many there are

2019-11-01 11:26:56 UTC  
2019-11-01 11:27:07 UTC  

what was the vote? 3 to 1?

2019-11-01 11:27:37 UTC  

I am not wasting my time on a 14 years old dumbass because this can be a really interesting discoution but you are destroing it

2019-11-01 11:27:45 UTC  

It wasnt voted its just something most scientist agrea on

2019-11-01 11:28:16 UTC  

The current scientific consensus is that:

Earth's climate has warmed significantly since the late 1800s.
Human activities (primarily greenhouse gas emissions) are the primary cause.
Continuing emissions will increase the likelihood and severity of global effects.
People and nations can act individually and collectively to slow the pace of global warming, while also preparing for unavoidable climate change and its consequences.

Several studies of the consensus have been undertaken. Among the most cited is a 2013 study of nearly 12,000 abstracts of peer-reviewed papers on climate science published since 1990, of which just over 4,000 papers expressed an opinion on the cause of recent global warming. Of these, 97% agree, explicitly or implicitly, that global warming is happening and is human-caused.

2019-11-01 11:29:06 UTC  

I just created a new server to have some real discutions. Can we move to there?

2019-11-01 11:29:12 UTC  

I wont let chad in

2019-11-01 11:29:29 UTC  

well ther ewould be nothign to discuss since he is the only person

2019-11-01 11:29:32 UTC  

Would be a bit pointless

2019-11-01 11:29:35 UTC  

that doesnt believe in glabal warming

2019-11-01 11:29:57 UTC  

yeah you are right

2019-11-01 11:30:07 UTC  

but you dont need somebody against

2019-11-01 11:30:11 UTC  

but there was a time in the past when earth was warmer than now

2019-11-01 11:30:21 UTC  

not true

2019-11-01 11:30:30 UTC  

There is

2019-11-01 11:30:35 UTC  

Like 1 week ago lolol