Message from @C L O R O X
Discord ID: 643179183442231307
dang there's still flerfers ?
after everyone getting owned over and over?
That's a bit much
shut up
it's a pyramid shape
pyramids have edges
and mexico and america has a border so
it's a pyramid shape idot
shut up
why isn't there a flat sun society
Flat Earth Society is a psy op that says Australia doesn't exist and we're on a plane thats pushing upwards against our feet
Our claim is simply that earth is flat
it measures flat
you can see hundreds of miles with IR cameras
impossible on your ball
you have convinced me
no way...
@C L O R O X can I make clear we here are not the flat earth society
we dont think we are on a pancake floating in space
Please no I dont wanna convince you . you convince yourself
we here dont claim that there is an edge
what do you guys claim then