Message from @Cynka

Discord ID: 643451513796034580

2019-11-11 09:59:28 UTC

2019-11-11 11:34:21 UTC  
2019-11-11 12:10:17 UTC

Ronald Reagan was the great communicator, and brought hope back to America. And as everything, Democrats wrote books that slandered the man, after he left office. They talked about “trickledown “ down economics, demonized it and the man, and how it did not work. It will not work in a global economy. It will no longer work. But at the time we still had factories and industry in the US. My parents lost everything due to the poor business climate during the Carter years. Regulation, taxes, high inflation, energy prices hurt us all. They not only lost their small business, but our home. There were no jobs in the state I lived in. It looked bleak. Then slowly the economy started to turn. I got a decent job in the state my family lived. My parents started to rebuild their life. Life did change for the better for the little people for a short while, until they voted in NAFTA and started making their deals with the Chinese, erasing the positive changes Reagan made. On another note, Reagan believed in Peace through Strength. That worked too. After Reagan, that too was something the enemy within had to destroy. They sent our military to endless conflicts, shut down bases, voted against any support for the military while voting for rules that destroyed the culture of the military and what made it great.

2019-11-11 13:38:17 UTC  

The ousting of Evo Morales may be
more than it appears to be.

2019-11-11 13:53:10 UTC

2019-11-11 14:18:14 UTC  

Ipot had all of his content removed by youboobs! 😡

2019-11-11 14:19:25 UTC  

I don't have twitter, can anyone bring that in here please. Thank you

2019-11-11 15:35:10 UTC Welcome into the fold
That's right, we're going full American with a .US domain. is live and roaring right now. It will be one of many places to find 8kun! Our old domain provider is crumbling under a cancel culture attack at the moment. For the time being, you can access 8kun on -- We will bring back as soon as the domain is ready. This is a movement and it can live anywhere. Freedom will never be silenced.