Message from @SisSea Yeng

Discord ID: 643319879541194757

2019-11-10 22:09:45 UTC

2019-11-10 22:10:08 UTC  

"if if if if if" if is all they got. fear mongering... no sauce no proof no reason to suspect, just, "if if if if"

2019-11-10 23:32:26 UTC  

Cathleen StJohn
Kaiser Permanente gets tons of Federal Funding. And, Bill Gates also funds bigly! Yet, this crap is going on? Why, oh why?

2019-11-10 23:59:15 UTC  

@imig , you're right, it needs to be fully articulated, but ... that would take a few days lol. I'll try to clear it up a little, by addressing a few of your valid points.
1. Truth that Trump doesn't want a ban. He wants us to unite to help him drain the swamp. Where are the Patriots? Are they at the rallys and forums assuring them that Patriots have their backs? No. They're at their forums and rallys telling them they need to quit 'smoking', that vaping is deadlier than smoking, that the vapes don't have the blessings of the swamp creatures (when, actually, the nicotine ecigs do), that they are nothing but low life scum addicts that need to quit, .... you get my drift I'm sure.
2.. The article you dropped is actually honest, but Patriots will think of it as lies because that's what we expect from them is lies. The manipulation part to this, is that the Vaper advocates very well know this article is telling the truths, while the patriots think of it as just another lying article trying to spin data.
3. In short. Patriots don't have their backs. Patriots aren't uniting with them in the cause of protecting their individual rights. Patriots are afraid to speak up in their defense. Patriots fall for the lies spewed forth by the junk science and corrupt officials.
4. I don't mean " all " patriots, I mean the "majority" who only want what's best for everybody but who are too stubborn, busy, indifferent, ignorant, to step up to the plate and discover the truths.
5. Patriots, of all people, should know by now that it's not the government's job to interfere in our lives. POTUS doesn't want to interfere with the vapes, but half of the patriots we talk with are convinced that we should support potus's ban wish. Why is that? Because all they hear about is the 'Trump Flavor Ban', from their friends, msm, even the 'good' lame stream media, etc. WHERE are the Patriots? (Besides bless his heart NELY)

2019-11-11 00:37:01 UTC  

UT OH!!! Matt Gaetz
I stand with @charliekirk11
and @TPUSA
Matt Gaetz
As a Pro-Trump, America First conservative I support free speech, reject guilt by association, and understand that robust healthy debate is vital to our democracy.

2019-11-11 03:29:06 UTC  

Fake news gonna be fake, they put pics of POTUS and Epstein in a beginning montage but it's better than anything in fucking America.

2019-11-11 03:45:10 UTC  

@imig , they elected him because of his promises. He's thanked them for getting him elected. It's not a fake news.
They also hound him daily to keep his promises. Never trust a politician and their promises is everyone's motto, yet we're always falling in love with new hope.

2019-11-11 04:03:18 UTC  

@imig , Q taught us to unite and support other patriots and everyone jumped fast whenever Q posted someone's twtter post. Yet the silence is deafening for regular patriots who are trying to secure their rights. Q says to do our research.
We know that Trump is restoring America, but not everybody is in the same Q boat. Where are the Patriots? Why aren't they following the anquished who might be taking things out of context on accident? This poster knows very well that
the Government was created to Secure our Rights, not to grant or deny us our rights. Do the Patriots? If so, here's a chance to politely ask the patriot for the source of his quote, plus show that we have their backs and that we support the limited and defined Government that POTUS is determined to give back to us. He's as mad as a cat on a hot tin roof right now, and he needs some love and assurance. "Trust the plan" doesn't cut it when lives, livlihoods and liberty are at stake. But, a friendly discussion with support while quieting misinformation just might get a ball rolling that turns into pure gold. Or, we can continue believing the swamp and remain silent. (I don't have a twitter accnt or I would tweet).

2019-11-11 04:44:31 UTC  

Nely's dig uncovers a big red pill to swallow. Go Nely!