Message from @Medusa

Discord ID: 643090140226519060

2019-11-10 14:03:27 UTC  

thats why hes been on the rampage again

2019-11-10 14:03:30 UTC  

this one?

2019-11-10 14:03:38 UTC  


2019-11-10 14:04:47 UTC  

I got arrested once drunk, cleaned up my act quite a bit after that, I thought he might but nothing stopped him lol but hes clean (for) now good for him

2019-11-10 14:05:35 UTC  

I thought his wife was hotter than that

2019-11-10 14:05:50 UTC  

don't drink when depressed or do depressing things and drink, he's a loner loser, people probably don't like him when they get to know him

2019-11-10 14:05:57 UTC  

otherwise he'd have people to bowl and drink with

2019-11-10 14:06:35 UTC  

HWNDU was strange seeing him do the homeless bum method acting irl

2019-11-10 14:07:16 UTC  

I hope it makes a comeback in 2020

2019-11-10 14:07:26 UTC  

that's probably the real him lol, anti-fashion, mismatched clothing and acting retarded

2019-11-10 14:07:55 UTC  

well I wudnt wanna party with him

2019-11-10 14:08:13 UTC  

imagine doing coke with him, he probably gets all fuckin retarded crazy

2019-11-10 14:08:52 UTC  

nice to see "successful" people with more issues than you

2019-11-10 14:09:01 UTC  

they'll never ever do another HWNDU in an open area where they can't control the narrative

2019-11-10 14:09:11 UTC  

or in the US

2019-11-10 14:09:16 UTC  

yea, they were destroyed

2019-11-10 14:09:32 UTC  

it should come to my town kinda liberal enclave fag town

2019-11-10 14:10:00 UTC  

when some fucks called me a nazi and a they's was trying to explain gender fluid people and different pronouns, I realized these people are straight up fuckin retarded

2019-11-10 14:10:25 UTC  

@Medusa the neighborhood HWNDU NY was in is loaded with hicksters and gay men

2019-11-10 14:10:27 UTC  

and lesbians

2019-11-10 14:10:37 UTC  

its just about winning and narcissism to those types

2019-11-10 14:11:18 UTC  

and I'm fuckin liberal on a lot of fronts, not even homophobic, could care less what they do, but I didn't get the genderfluid and pronoun thing, tried to have a convo with one and it went to pure shit, I say there in shock like uh ok

2019-11-10 14:11:26 UTC  

i am this servers resident drunken expert

2019-11-10 14:11:26 UTC  

well whats his name is from the UK but who knows project is dead rly, flag destroyed somehow in tatters

2019-11-10 14:12:05 UTC  


2019-11-10 14:12:39 UTC  

and the TN flag is safely tucked away in Flaganon's house

2019-11-10 14:12:58 UTC  

even a close associate of mine who was there, a fuckin pot smoker, again liberal on most fronts but voted for trump told me all those peeps at HWNDU and Shia were retarded, he couldn't get an honest convo out of any of them, they were so fake full of shit

2019-11-10 14:13:19 UTC  


2019-11-10 14:13:32 UTC  

well Im probably classical liberal in a lot of way, almost anarchist in some ways, some right leaning values concerning borders etc. all I really care about is what the truth is objectivly.

2019-11-10 14:13:35 UTC  

fuck that guy, fuck that guy for real, bag said it best, saw the devil in that fuckin fuck

2019-11-10 14:13:51 UTC  

Paper's friend called me a nazi, this skinny old black dude

2019-11-10 14:13:54 UTC  

i miss comfy

2019-11-10 14:13:58 UTC  

I was just standing there

2019-11-10 14:15:21 UTC  

I saw that paperboy had some pizza gate style looking album or something, getting a bit fringe but I wouldnt be surprised, knowing Shia

2019-11-10 14:15:55 UTC  

@Medusa nah, there are one too many things that make you think, a lot of people who met paper close up said he had a bad vibe aura around him

2019-11-10 14:15:57 UTC  

something was up

2019-11-10 14:16:17 UTC  

well he was a weird fucker I could see that

2019-11-10 14:16:19 UTC

2019-11-10 14:16:36 UTC  


2019-11-10 14:16:46 UTC  

i miss bag and blart and everyone