Message from @Cynka

Discord ID: 637635677692887072

2019-10-26 10:34:17 UTC

2019-10-26 11:05:04 UTC  
2019-10-26 11:18:48 UTC

2019-10-26 11:58:45 UTC  
2019-10-26 15:56:02 UTC  

What is realy going on in Syria?

2019-10-26 15:57:19 UTC

2019-10-26 15:57:35 UTC  


2019-10-26 15:58:52 UTC  

You might want to ask President Trump about this on Twitter. Why are there still sanctions on Syria? I have a theory. The regime change is still going on, but isnt publicly talked about...

2019-10-26 16:01:51 UTC  

Also DJTs tweet regarding this is worrying...Just remember people Karma is a real thing, and by silently seing this makes you agreing to this. In my book hell should be raised regarding this...on twitter. Im not an US citizen so i feel its wrong to Twitter DJT regarding this, since hes not my President.