Message from @thierry

Discord ID: 597970887043579909

2019-04-02 04:41:14 UTC  

@everyone Just getting the server set up. The old ones have to many variables and to many non MAGA types around. This will be changing up a bit to get going in the next few days. If you think someone should be invited let me know. MAGA!

2019-06-19 21:36:27 UTC  

@everyone Welcome everyone new. We will be expanding the server out now that the election is firing up. Let's KAG!

2019-06-21 05:05:25 UTC  

@everyone If any one is dumb enough to think we are alt right please leave now.

2019-06-24 16:32:25 UTC  

@everyone Let's get together in voice tonight, around 8pm ET, especially to plan how we can work together for trump 2020 on Reddit, Twitter or wherever you hang out. And if you'd like to write at or do video or graphics, def be there!

2019-06-25 18:42:48 UTC  

Hello @everyone, sorry for the ping! We have seen reports in other InfoSec servers of people sexually harassing minors for explicit picutres. We think this is a very serious issue, and we're certian most of you do as well. We haven't seen or heard of any such activity on our server, which we are very happy for, but we thought it'd be appropriate to let you know and to encourage you to let us know if you see or hear anything. If we find out that any of our members are engaging in these activities, we will ban and report them immediately, both to Discord and to Law enforcement.

So please, if you receive a DM like this, please let us know immediately! We want this server to be safe, and our members to be happy!


2019-06-26 19:55:58 UTC  

@everyone Spread this WE WELCOME ALL PEDES!

2019-06-26 20:28:02 UTC  

<@&591022315702321152> if we are going to build a community of pede refuges in here we will need mods. If you are interested DM me.

2019-06-27 04:55:20 UTC  

@everyone We will now get r/TheNewRight back up and going We need mods if you can DM me here are the requirements.. 1. we need an account more then 6 moths
2. share all account
3 come to discord to voice with us

2019-06-28 01:40:51 UTC  


2019-07-04 21:20:55 UTC  

@here Join us for Trump's EPIC July 4th Watch with me on Rabbit!

2019-07-07 03:12:10 UTC  

@everyone Jeffery Epstein was just arrested on sex crimes involving children All records are being unsealed.

2019-07-09 01:01:51 UTC  

@everyone We're going to get in voice tomorrow night 8pm ET, soooo dont miss it

2019-07-09 01:02:39 UTC  
2019-07-09 02:03:34 UTC  

throw him a follow ^^^^^

2019-07-16 22:23:12 UTC  

Made 3 new reddit post flairs
WOKE (with subtle ode to clown world)

2019-07-25 03:15:50 UTC  

@everyone They are reporting on Fox just now that Jeffery Epstein has been found injured in his jail cell. Possible suicide attempt.

2019-07-25 04:24:43 UTC  

I'm looking for video editors for a project, its easy learn and I will train, dm me if interested

2019-07-30 23:51:25 UTC  

@here Dem Debates coming up in 10 mins, join us in

2019-08-13 15:12:18 UTC  

@everyone What do you think of our new site design? Let us know your feedback!

2019-08-15 23:07:13 UTC  
2019-08-21 23:52:09 UTC  

Exciting AMA coming up this Monday 8pm ET with @solentgreenis on r/TheNewRight 👇 👇

2019-09-01 01:18:30 UTC  

@BaRbArIaN Great editing!! thank you
Can you take this one next? "Gillette – When You Woke, You Go Broke, then You change the Script" sometime by Wednesday?

2019-09-10 14:17:03 UTC  

@everyone as seems to have sold and is now not what it once was. What is another platform we can use so we can group watch the new Bill Burr Comedy special? DM me if you know of a good one.

2019-09-20 04:24:28 UTC  

@everyone Everyone that is concerned about communication that government can NOT control should watch this.

2019-09-20 21:59:16 UTC @here Everyone should watch that. The end is PURE FIRE.

2019-09-22 00:43:36 UTC  

@everyone Is anyone in here a graphic designer? If you can help me with something, pls dm me

2019-09-23 14:20:43 UTC  

@everyone We are looking for MAGA-minded college age writers and live streamers. If that's you! dm me

2019-09-24 23:59:02 UTC  

@everyone In times like this I like to let you know that this impeachment business is nonsense and will collapse and boomerang in the dems faces possibly as early as this week. In any event of how long it only helps Trump in 2020! KAG!

2019-09-26 01:33:24 UTC