Message from @Fke

Discord ID: 570267105786593291

2019-04-21 17:22:26 UTC  


2019-04-21 17:34:07 UTC  

Also it’s you don’t need an Intel report to tell you that people were targeted on their religious holiday because of their faith in a coordinated attack to know it’s a terrorist attack

2019-04-21 22:38:58 UTC  

Hey guys episode 2 leaked

2019-04-21 23:24:40 UTC

2019-04-22 16:59:57 UTC  

In San Francisco if you don't clean up your dog's poop, you can be fined $320. If you, however, decide to shit on the sidewalk, there is no fine and you can get free syringes. But please note that you nor your dog are allowed to use plastic straws. #RealTalk

2019-04-22 19:54:10 UTC  


2019-04-22 22:45:12 UTC  

Is Kyle Frank on this server?

2019-04-23 00:15:24 UTC  

why do u ask?

2019-04-23 00:15:42 UTC  
2019-04-23 00:31:15 UTC  

I read one of his articles.

2019-04-23 00:31:28 UTC  

It be nice if he were here to chat

2019-04-23 00:32:04 UTC  

Also: who is the admin here? Because we need some roles here

2019-04-23 00:32:49 UTC  

I constantly throw out ideas, so don't take my constant criticisms as criticisms

2019-04-23 15:17:15 UTC  


2019-04-23 15:17:24 UTC  

so who is on this server?

2019-04-23 15:17:53 UTC  

It's more or less dead atm and doesn't seem to have any active admins.

2019-04-23 15:18:01 UTC  

So make me an admin so I can start improving this server.

2019-04-23 16:49:54 UTC  

Welcome Clark

2019-04-23 16:50:20 UTC

>Yang is so cool that he was even on the Joe Rogan podcast where he used the term “dickhead”

An actual quote LMAO

2019-04-23 18:00:06 UTC  

The fbi grabbed a militia leader patrolling the border. The DiSSiDeNt RiGhT flipped out and used it as an excuse to DRUMPFpost

2019-04-23 18:00:43 UTC  

Turns out the militia was allegedly training to assassinate Hillary & Obama

2019-04-23 18:01:07 UTC  


2019-04-23 18:07:48 UTC  

lol @Fke me and rsashe1980 are admins
we have a low key friends server in here

2019-04-23 18:13:38 UTC  

t!profile @thierry

2019-04-23 18:13:40 UTC  

📝 | **User profile card for thierry**

2019-04-24 01:19:39 UTC  

Hello fellow Bernie supporters

2019-04-24 01:20:36 UTC  

I love Bernie!

2019-04-24 01:20:53 UTC  

He tells off Orange Bad!

2019-04-24 03:32:18 UTC

2019-04-24 23:15:27 UTC  

Welcome to, @J-Bird! <@&436262345518350346> will meet up with you shortly.!!!!

2019-04-25 16:29:03 UTC  

Pretty optimistic for Biden. Haha

2019-04-25 16:40:55 UTC  

Yes. But blowouts never get views.

2019-04-25 16:41:06 UTC  

Plus, it will probably be closer than most expect.

2019-04-25 16:57:02 UTC  

Welcome to, <@!571016736380289035>! <@&436262345518350346> will meet up with you shortly.!!!!