Message from @galesteppes

Discord ID: 582862433396457482

2019-05-28 08:58:23 UTC  

that's our party lol

2019-05-28 09:05:00 UTC  

@Dust is the dm happy now?

2019-05-28 09:05:30 UTC  

we're still killing everything in one round so not really lol

2019-05-28 09:09:38 UTC  

why doesn't he just double their hp?

2019-05-28 09:25:08 UTC  

even with double HP, 200DPR from one single person is going to stomp them lol

2019-05-28 09:25:23 UTC  

have more dudes

2019-05-28 09:25:34 UTC  

give them miss chance and shit

2019-05-28 09:25:39 UTC  

well that's the working plan going forwards

2019-05-28 09:25:54 UTC  

more combatants and buffs on the enemies

2019-05-28 09:26:05 UTC  

like ngl

2019-05-28 09:26:19 UTC  

that's too much DPR REEEEEE is a noobie complaint

2019-05-28 09:26:24 UTC  

the balancing in kingmaker late game is really bad

2019-05-28 09:26:32 UTC  


2019-05-28 09:26:37 UTC  

nah his complaint is that he's playing the AP encounters as intended

2019-05-28 09:26:39 UTC  

and they're shit

2019-05-28 09:26:40 UTC  


2019-05-28 09:26:42 UTC  

it's one of the easiest ones

2019-05-28 09:27:02 UTC  

because you can blow your load for the day and then fuck off

2019-05-28 09:27:04 UTC  

even with double advanced template +hitpoints

2019-05-28 09:27:07 UTC  

it's still super easy

2019-05-28 09:27:13 UTC  

it's a every common complaint about the AP

2019-05-28 09:27:36 UTC  

and can't just ramp up AC because then only one char will actually be able to hit lol

2019-05-28 09:27:49 UTC  

miss chance and DR and shit

2019-05-28 09:27:54 UTC  

and more enemies

2019-05-28 09:27:59 UTC  

is the easiest solution

2019-05-28 09:28:51 UTC  

but this is only the second game since balancing really became an issue and he already had this encounter planned so he hoped the warpriest conversion would work out

2019-05-28 09:29:14 UTC  

remember we've been off for 2 weeks lol

2019-05-28 09:29:40 UTC  

you guys using physical attks right?

2019-05-28 09:29:49 UTC  


2019-05-28 09:29:56 UTC  

just make the fucker incoporal

2019-05-28 09:29:59 UTC  

skald sometimes does magic

2019-05-28 09:30:17 UTC  

I'm straight up buying a wand of fireball next chance I get

2019-05-28 09:30:20 UTC  


2019-05-28 09:30:28 UTC  

magic can't beat brute force in damage

2019-05-28 09:30:34 UTC  

or well, not efficiently

2019-05-28 09:30:41 UTC  

I've got +20 UMD and shitloads of cash

2019-05-28 09:31:48 UTC  

@Dust you guys are murdering the fay ya?

2019-05-28 09:32:30 UTC  


2019-05-28 09:32:43 UTC  

well, fey and magical animals

2019-05-28 09:37:52 UTC  

have the death squads come out yet?

2019-05-28 09:48:42 UTC  

death squads?