Message from @EnderOctanus

Discord ID: 570442707789545473

2019-04-24 02:51:42 UTC  

But we have absolutely no evidence of that.

2019-04-24 02:51:55 UTC  

And EVEN THEN they would STILL say "Easter celebrants".

2019-04-24 02:51:57 UTC  

Once Jesus comes back to life is sort of the starting point of where Islam draws the line.

2019-04-24 02:52:28 UTC  

They chose the targets to get people celebrating Easter, that is factual.

2019-04-24 02:52:29 UTC  

this is the problem with atheists, they don't see the importance of religion smh

2019-04-24 02:53:06 UTC  

@EnderOctanus or wanted a target rich enviroment on a particularly important holiday

2019-04-24 02:53:09 UTC  

I was raised a devout Methodist

2019-04-24 02:53:28 UTC  

I used to be a Bible thumper

2019-04-24 02:53:44 UTC  

but now you don't care

2019-04-24 02:53:49 UTC  

I've read em all

2019-04-24 02:53:54 UTC  

Is a fun story

2019-04-24 02:53:59 UTC  

That's about it

2019-04-24 02:54:10 UTC  

No, I no longer see it as an important part of my life.

2019-04-24 02:54:42 UTC  

Plus it destroyed my family. Not Methodism but still.

2019-04-24 02:54:56 UTC  

@galesteppes tfw atheist but see religion as very important

2019-04-24 02:55:00 UTC  

I have good reason to be an atheist.

2019-04-24 02:55:18 UTC  

I think god is the true devil

2019-04-24 02:55:22 UTC  

mental illness destroyed your family

2019-04-24 02:55:36 UTC  

the truth is kid, the game was rigged from the start

2019-04-24 02:55:38 UTC  

Am I better than an atheist or worst <:think_woke:378717098681171988>

2019-04-24 02:55:39 UTC  

And what took advantage of that illness?

2019-04-24 02:55:49 UTC  

Fucking preachers

2019-04-24 02:55:55 UTC  

Allah rigged your game

2019-04-24 02:55:56 UTC  

@Amir i belief that's called gnostic

2019-04-24 02:56:00 UTC  

To meme on you

2019-04-24 02:56:18 UTC  

Pushed people to suicide and to avoid lifesaving medication

2019-04-24 02:56:23 UTC  

*But it was for a reason God has plans for you*

2019-04-24 02:56:26 UTC  


2019-04-24 02:56:26 UTC  

Soooo the currupt organized religious leaders failed

2019-04-24 02:56:36 UTC  

@Fitzydog where does the NAP stand on not bringing more mentally ill kids into the world?

2019-04-24 02:56:37 UTC  

The cult worked

2019-04-24 02:56:47 UTC  

It was a cult

2019-04-24 02:57:05 UTC  

**Am a GNOME**

2019-04-24 02:57:13 UTC  

you could argue the NAP dictates not bringing anyone into the world period

2019-04-24 02:57:14 UTC  

I have a big distrust of anything religious or even folky now

2019-04-24 02:58:12 UTC  

It was similar to the Jehovahs Witnesses

2019-04-24 02:58:22 UTC  

Most of them mean well but they just stupid

2019-04-24 02:58:32 UTC  

@EnderOctanus not gonna lie, hitler did nothing wrong when it comes to the JWs

2019-04-24 02:59:08 UTC  

Or just study on your own and worship without a structure like the church

2019-04-24 02:59:11 UTC  

@galesteppes Now you see why I just instinctively distrust everything I guess, at least.

2019-04-24 02:59:32 UTC  

Or just worship yourself