Message from @StevenStevens

Discord ID: 599740110120026132

2019-07-13 23:09:05 UTC  

Well considering that Stirner rejects morality and ethics completelly that is kinda hard to believe

2019-07-13 23:09:09 UTC  

but it's a nice try

2019-07-13 23:09:15 UTC  

better luck next time buddy

2019-07-13 23:09:23 UTC  

I'm selfish, because I do things to help my community because it makes my quality of life better.

2019-07-13 23:09:32 UTC  

Morality and ethics are spooks my dude

2019-07-13 23:09:37 UTC  


2019-07-13 23:09:50 UTC  

Stirner doesn't want a community

2019-07-13 23:10:01 UTC  

Mate, you tried

2019-07-13 23:10:02 UTC  

you failed

2019-07-13 23:10:06 UTC  

it's alright.

2019-07-13 23:10:13 UTC  

I'd argue that point with you, but you're probably too low IQ to even begin to comprehend metaphysics and objective morality

2019-07-13 23:11:23 UTC  

See? You're a meme. You don't even have your own set of ethics.

You latch onto someone else's framework in order to use it as a weapon against other people on the internet.

I doubt you've ever stood up for a principle in your life.

2019-07-13 23:11:26 UTC  

Buddy, it doesn't matter what I think, if we're talking about anarcho egoists they REJECT MORALITY

2019-07-13 23:11:37 UTC  

that is a fact, and it doesn't care about ur feelings

2019-07-13 23:11:50 UTC  

You're wrong and talking out of ur arse

2019-07-13 23:12:15 UTC  

Then tell me how you really feel instead of weaponizing your autistic sophistry

2019-07-13 23:12:31 UTC  

How i really feel?

2019-07-13 23:12:41 UTC  

Not very good tbh, slightly hungover

2019-07-13 23:12:45 UTC  

my arm hurts

2019-07-13 23:12:52 UTC  

shoulder is bruised from fighting

2019-07-13 23:13:04 UTC  

i kinda want to pee too

2019-07-13 23:13:10 UTC  

but can't be arsed

2019-07-13 23:13:23 UTC  

also it's really hot

2019-07-13 23:13:31 UTC  

so windown is open and outside is cold

2019-07-13 23:13:38 UTC  

so im the mix of cold and hot at the same time

2019-07-13 23:13:42 UTC  

not very cool tb

2019-07-13 23:13:43 UTC  

Your worldview. Your principles. What is important to you in the world.

You don't have anything. You're an empty shell of a human being who exists for short thrills and internet kudos from others like yourself

2019-07-13 23:14:08 UTC  

I said this before

2019-07-13 23:14:28 UTC  

I want to maximize freedom while also controlling for systematic problems like racism

2019-07-13 23:14:56 UTC  

Sounds like a faggot-tier oxymoron if I've ever heard one before

2019-07-13 23:15:18 UTC  

Sure thing buddy

2019-07-13 23:15:51 UTC  

Racism is an opinion.

So you're saying "I want to maximize freedom while controlling peoples thoughts, opinions, actions, and freedom of association."

2019-07-13 23:16:55 UTC  

Yes, when you oppress someone because of their race i think its pretty reasonable to punish those people

2019-07-13 23:17:10 UTC  

just as you for example think its reasonable to violate the freedom of inmates i believe

2019-07-13 23:17:16 UTC  

So freedom is not your goal at all.

Radical egalitarianism is

2019-07-13 23:17:36 UTC  

Not really, i think the market is pretty good at allocating resources

2019-07-13 23:17:45 UTC  

it has some inherent inequality tied to it

2019-07-13 23:17:55 UTC  

so yeah not really radical egalitarianism

2019-07-13 23:17:57 UTC  

You'd think the market would be good at selecting against racism as well

2019-07-13 23:18:14 UTC  

It's not tho

2019-07-13 23:18:20 UTC  

How do you know?