Message from @Shurik

Discord ID: 471504664169283616

2018-07-25 02:26:20 UTC  

when they can't expand anymore

2018-07-25 02:26:41 UTC  

So it will burn itself out, after it's already conquered the entire west. That's reassuring.

2018-07-25 02:26:52 UTC  

It won't conquer the west

2018-07-25 02:26:58 UTC  

It might get europe

2018-07-25 02:27:10 UTC  

okay, well I wish you luck with your utopian idealism.

2018-07-25 02:27:11 UTC  

I don't think it can get the US

2018-07-25 02:27:20 UTC  

Nor do I think it can get China or Russia

2018-07-25 02:27:43 UTC  

China has had muslims living there for centuries

2018-07-25 02:27:53 UTC  

Same with Russia

2018-07-25 02:28:16 UTC  

I'm not sure you know that much about islam, tbh

2018-07-25 02:28:18 UTC  

Yea but russia is a orthodox run goverment

2018-07-25 02:28:42 UTC  

I don't I will admit my knowledge of islam isn't as strong as it should be

2018-07-25 02:29:29 UTC  

Almost half of the Quran is about how to deal with *kafir*, or "non-believers".

How much of the Bible is made up talking about gentiles?

2018-07-25 02:29:32 UTC  

but why do you think Islam will conquer the US

2018-07-25 02:29:40 UTC  

I didn't say the US

2018-07-25 02:29:54 UTC  

I mean the west implies the US

2018-07-25 02:30:10 UTC  

No, we're one part of the West

2018-07-25 02:30:34 UTC  

but you said they will conquer the entire west

2018-07-25 02:30:49 UTC  

that implies conquering the US

2018-07-25 02:31:03 UTC  

*sigh* No, I was being hyperbolic to show the gaps in your logic

2018-07-25 02:31:12 UTC  

My bad

2018-07-25 02:31:36 UTC  

Misunderstood what you where trying to say

2018-07-25 02:31:43 UTC  

You said Islam will burn itself out. It seems to only be burning faster and brighter, and now there's easy prey

2018-07-25 02:31:56 UTC  

I think europe is toast

2018-07-25 02:32:11 UTC  

The UK might save itself if brexit works out

2018-07-25 02:34:12 UTC  

There's no way to solve this "peacefully", because to do so (for the Muslims), is considered 'weak' and beneath them.

Why should they find middle ground with someone who is sub-human?

2018-07-25 02:34:24 UTC  

Also the only reason Muslims have power is due to a sheer stroke of luck. aka the massive oil deposits. Once the west stops needing so much oil they will go bankrupt.

2018-07-25 02:34:44 UTC  

or well actually starts developing there own oil reserves

2018-07-25 02:34:57 UTC  

The Saudis have money stored, and now it's just a numbers game.

2018-07-25 02:35:12 UTC  

I may be overly optimistic but time will tell

2018-07-25 02:35:42 UTC  

Maybe for a rainy day or 2. Just like the soviets, not for a so called nuclear winter.

2018-07-25 02:37:07 UTC  

Nukes? lol no, no one's going to use nukes.

They'll just use the migrants in europe as pre-inserted soldiers

2018-07-25 02:37:16 UTC  

Do you see how hard iran is thrashing after the reimposed oil sanctions

2018-07-25 02:38:00 UTC  

I was using it as a metaphor of how they could probably wait out on there saved funds for a while but they won't last for long.

2018-07-25 02:38:59 UTC  

Like I understand atm that the West needs the oil that Islam provides but as soon as we get our heads out of our asses and start using nuclear power they will lose all influence on the world stage

2018-07-25 04:06:39 UTC  

Grid power generation isn't what we use the majority of oil for.

2018-07-25 04:06:54 UTC  

Nuclear power is _great_ and all, but it will do jackshit for that.

2018-07-25 04:07:33 UTC  

The only times we use oil for grid power is diesel generators, and we would need those with or without nuclear power simply because we need easily rampable auxillary power sources.

2018-07-25 04:10:03 UTC  

When electricity becomes cheap af we will move from oil cars to electric

2018-07-25 04:11:00 UTC  

It's...already cheap af?

2018-07-25 04:11:03 UTC  

Compared to gas