Message from @Ondsinet

Discord ID: 635569892384571414

2019-10-20 20:03:53 UTC  

And yes

2019-10-20 20:04:40 UTC  

In college they teach that Democrats and Republicans inexplicably switched every single position they believed in after the Civil War.

2019-10-20 20:04:59 UTC  

So they can maintain their superiority complex.

2019-10-20 20:05:11 UTC  

Im almost positive the democrats are still racist as fuck

2019-10-20 20:05:20 UTC  

They literally teach that the parties swapped.

2019-10-20 20:05:28 UTC  

Like joe biden with the "Mr. Obama is certainly more well behaved than most black men" in 2006

2019-10-20 20:06:09 UTC  

"Rich kids and black kids" biden

2019-10-20 20:06:10 UTC  

If the parties swapped, you'd expect Democrats to have fought for Civil Rights instead of Republicans.

2019-10-20 20:06:17 UTC  

The "different times" excuse kinda gets cut off at the turn of the millennia

2019-10-20 20:06:33 UTC  

@EnderOctanus so was it the republicans against slavery?

2019-10-20 20:06:35 UTC  


2019-10-20 20:06:38 UTC  


2019-10-20 20:06:38 UTC  


2019-10-20 20:06:41 UTC  


2019-10-20 20:06:46 UTC  

And Jim Crow

2019-10-20 20:07:03 UTC  

Republicans pushed for the Civil Rights Act

2019-10-20 20:07:15 UTC  

And most of the people marching in the 60s were registered republicans

2019-10-20 20:07:25 UTC  

But also a decent amount of democrats

2019-10-20 20:07:34 UTC  

50s and 60s is when the left started getting fucky

2019-10-20 20:07:47 UTC  

Oh kek

2019-10-20 20:07:50 UTC

2019-10-20 20:07:53 UTC  

The south used to be completely Democrat. But in recent times more and more have switched to Republican due to economic reasons.

2019-10-20 20:09:18 UTC  

Daddy was a clansman a southern democrat, bedsheet robes and a funny lookin hat

2019-10-20 20:09:29 UTC  

Republicans tended to be more well educated on various topics, thus more open minded. This was a time when being open minded didn't threaten to remove all tradition.

2019-10-20 20:09:41 UTC  

@Ondsinet Confederates would probably be Republicans today. Some still exist, and they tend to caucus with the libertarians

2019-10-20 20:10:06 UTC  

In the purely political sense of the term

2019-10-20 20:10:09 UTC  

@Fitzydog But for different reasons

2019-10-20 20:10:37 UTC  

Yeah they would be in a very strange sociopolitical position.

2019-10-20 20:10:49 UTC  

Depending on their view of race equality.

2019-10-20 20:11:02 UTC  

From a political science standpoint, confederalism is closer to Republicanism than democracy

2019-10-20 20:11:15 UTC  

Likely neither party would want to associate with them now.

2019-10-20 20:11:27 UTC  

Race aside

2019-10-20 20:11:31 UTC  

Well yes their political system

2019-10-20 20:11:34 UTC  

That was a single issue

2019-10-20 20:11:42 UTC  


2019-10-20 20:11:44 UTC  

The north were just as racist

2019-10-20 20:12:01 UTC  

Just thinking maybe the democrats should be our guys instead

2019-10-20 20:12:04 UTC  

The north just wanted blacks GONE, not slaves

2019-10-20 20:12:15 UTC  

I mean, yeah. But they didn't kill people and beat them for stupid bullshit as frequently.

2019-10-20 20:12:27 UTC  

Planned Parenthood was also created by some KKK dude and mostly existed in black neighborhoods for no particular reasons

2019-10-20 20:12:31 UTC  
