Message from @franti
Discord ID: 427052989623304223
free speech was created by western nations, western nations were created by white people
Remember the Slavs embraced communism
Dont you guys see that since freedom of speech is "white" thats why the UK tries so hard to supress it
did you watch Sargons video yet btw?
Wich one?
About Dankula uploaded like 16hrs ago
this one
Yeah, its scary
He shows articles in it, I was just reminded that The Guardian wrote that free speech leads to fascism
Ofcourse it does
Because if you have free speech then fascism need to get rid of it
Thinking beyond the first step isnt something progressives do
And lack of free speech also leads to fascism
They're against free speech because they're Communists at heart. Communist countries require so much homogeneity that they will take you out and shoot you in the back of the head, put you in slave labor or throw you into the gulag for reeducation.
Either way, you'll get fascism regardless of if there is or isn't free speech.
Saying they are Fascist just reminds me of the stupid people who say "Antifa are the real Fascists!!1!" when no, they are just Communists.
@Hyddraigon The path the UK is on is towards Communism not Fascism
i never said it
Fascism is used too interchangeably for the word "authoritarianism" or totalitarianism
my b
Antifa use fascist strategies to get their point across. Even if their core belief is communism.
they use Communist strategies lol
Bolshevik revolutionaries?
Both faschism and communism benifit from not having freedom of speech
Fascism as an ideal is flimsey. But as an action it's usually rooted in silencing opposition and using fear/violence.
And so is Communism though
Then their strategy is both a mix bag of communism and fascism.
Communism requires silence even moreso
For everyone to be "equal" they must make sure everyone thinks the same
Short notice, but the least time Antifa has to prepare, the better.
Milo isn't even revealing the location of his events anymore, to make it harder for the masked hipsters to come and protest.
They need to get lift or find people with a drivers license
to organize
I heard there's going to be a Muslim group there to protest their free speech.
Either way it could get messy