Message from @GoGo
Discord ID: 304254006233137153
Feels good girl
Sick nasty 🤘
Hoping Antifa gets the word
And so I can talk to RI and scout the place out
so this happened
Gee, I wonder who..
You know what to do Mess
Also look futher for clues
kay? any idea why? Were you robbed, is it political vandalism, what?
no fuckin idea
have you gone to any anti antifa stuff?
not yet, all they took was like $10 in cash
oy vey
then its not Politica, just shit luck and robbed
yeah porbly
But... But his sheckles....
fucking sucks because I was driving at 5am and ir must have happened like 30 minutes after I got home
The jews are getting despite
They know what is coming
So they get all the sheckels that they need to survive
Like $ -> Shekel
my IQ is over 9000
What does the scanner say
jack shit
I filed a police report over the phone, they aren't going to do shit
redpill dump on scientific studies about genetic distance and subspecies classification
tldr there are animals with multiple sub species that have a lesser genetic distance than humans
How does the vetting work, is it voice only or text or whats up
voice. interview.
Ah i see
Im sick as fuck I cant today at least
So if you guys forget, last night I got myself a own beta fuck toy.
Here is my plan
Fuck him for a few weeks or days