Message from @Extra Crispy
Discord ID: 304653421355597824
I know
I said we have just disproved it
man we need to stop those gays from having kids so that they don't spread those gay genes
Homosexuality is a choice. Fags just made the wrong one.
No but what I'm saying is thuso
I have a friend who owns cats
He has sudden explosive anger or IES
They made the wrong choice because they weren't raised correctly.
Dont insult the jews, stupid goy
A symptom of toxoplasmosis
@Extra Crispy aliens kidnap the gays and then use their sperm to impregnate alien eggs. Then they reproduce more gays
He's also tried to kiss my friend (as a joke). But we think he's gay
Gayyy lmao
Gays are all ancestors of kidnapped homos from aliens
this shitposting is really actually shit
Ayyy @JKEMI suhhh
this shitposting is cat shit
>toxoplasma gondii is shitposting
kys faggot
@Extra Crispy I'm not shit posting
Google it
I'm in the shower
i can go into member chats but not public chats
So I'm shower posting
Im in Discord while in the shower
>not sitting in the trashcan shitposting on discord
Don't get gasses
what are you doing with your lfie
@Extra Crispy I'm being clean
being gay is not being clean