Message from @ToastyTerrorist
Discord ID: 303757846062039042
isnt it
so amazing that the ree's e's just go right through
quite simply
just amazing
>In an abandoned timeline, Alex Jones and the Bogdanoffs came together with a single goal in mind. To create the ultimate truth bomb
>Indeed, the world was slowly waking, but it was time for the alarm clock to ring. Combining their powers, they created the ultimate truth bomb. The true, final redpill.
>However, the sheer power of this bomb bore dire consequences... And so to reverse what had been done, they temporally shattered that timeline, forever hiding this destructive force away
>Alas, it was realized that one big truthbomb would not deliver the final blow... But a bullet hell of smaller Truthbombs. The globalist kikes would die a death of a thousand cuts
>And every single one of them will sting like a bitch
Tfw you're at a party and all you want to do is fight some ANTIFA fags ;-;
"Dark white skin"
If you get this, you're a friend of mine
Anyone have good posters that use not too much ink?
>how to reduce crime
>make shit legal
Brilliant insight
Just genocide blacks
@I'mGoingBerserk same
And mexicans
If we got rid of all blacks we would have the same gun crime rate of Belgium.
I had an idea for a fun protest activity
Get some of the awoo stickers and plant them on any antifa with a helmet
They're genuinely a pain to take off
Or a Trump 2020 sticker
get them to hit each other
That's good
We go in with awoo stickers dressed as antifa, plant awoo stickers on unsuspecting antifa, attack antifa, antifa attack anyone with an awoo sticker, immediately attack eachother as we walk away and watch
Top *W E W*
It really is