Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 471808084248100914

2018-07-25 22:25:56 UTC  

No mans sky!!???

2018-07-25 22:26:04 UTC  

More like

2018-07-25 22:26:11 UTC  

Sky Guy Die!!!

2018-07-25 22:27:37 UTC  

you know it somthing wrong when gog did put out this one today

2018-07-25 22:28:09 UTC  

How many updates later and its still shit?

2018-07-25 22:28:22 UTC  

Im willing to bet they know the multiplayer on gog is never gona happen

2018-07-25 22:28:27 UTC  

This is why brits shouldnt make games

2018-07-25 22:28:41 UTC  

Stick to whatever brits do

2018-07-25 22:30:29 UTC  

problem was that the guy behind it was an idiot that did overpromise everytime someone did put a microphone in front of him and when it was time to deliver he had jack shit to show

2018-07-25 22:31:25 UTC  

and it a prime example on why you dont preorder games ever

2018-07-25 22:31:40 UTC  

Tbh. If they didnt over sell id still think the game was shit.

2018-07-25 22:31:52 UTC  

Only difference is even fewer people wouldve bought it

2018-07-25 22:31:58 UTC  

Huh ssomeone pickaxed Trumps Hollywood star

2018-07-25 22:32:06 UTC  


2018-07-25 22:32:15 UTC  

I heard

2018-07-25 22:32:36 UTC  

did see that and the idiot did turn him self in as well just to get 5 min of fame

2018-07-25 22:33:32 UTC  

well thats no star credentials

2018-07-25 22:34:05 UTC  

is it more or less if you can pay you get it irr

2018-07-25 22:34:15 UTC  

Fuckin. If a dude bombed airforce one out of the sky and got off scot free, they would turn themsleves in and take the treason charge just so they go down as the Leftist martyr

2018-07-25 22:35:19 UTC  

they are beliving they are the good guys in this fight

2018-07-25 22:36:53 UTC  

When is the Left going to 'snap', and realize they're the baddies?

2018-07-25 22:37:27 UTC  

the same moment bubba is his prison mate and bubba wants the top bunk

2018-07-25 22:40:08 UTC  

Well never, theyre just delusional. Hard to convince a delusional person they are so. They have to do it themsleves.

Had to convince my Aunt the other day that "Right wingers" arnt trying to impose a Christian theocracy. Took me a whole hour. And thats just one facet of dellusion, not even a major one that would actually be hard to break.

2018-07-25 22:40:40 UTC  

They're just going to get more violent

2018-07-25 22:41:17 UTC  

I dont know. Voilence is hard. Takes alot of work. Eventually you just get bored imo.

2018-07-25 22:41:19 UTC  

yea that the scary part. we are gona go in to an age of left terroists

2018-07-25 22:41:57 UTC  

When was the last major Antifa riot where they actually fucked things up instead of just yelling a bit.

2018-07-25 22:42:37 UTC  

A while ago. I think Trump is normalizing enough to the point where things will calm down eventually

2018-07-25 22:46:17 UTC  

How about them midterms tho. You can really tell the Dems got alot more finacing this go around. Usually the Senate in Wisconsin is roughly contested with lots of ads from both sides early on.
This year ive seen nothing but Dem ads so far.

2018-07-25 22:47:33 UTC  

lol the Dems won't get any new ground, and will most likely lose some

2018-07-25 22:48:35 UTC  

Well yea. At best they hold this seat. Its already held by Tammy Baldwin

2018-07-25 22:48:55 UTC  

Don't underestimate how much Baby-boomers hate commies. They may have called themselves democrats, or been sympathetic in the past, but the DNC has shown their hand quite obviously.

2018-07-25 22:49:23 UTC  

Tammy is a neo-lib to the core.

2018-07-25 22:50:29 UTC  

However, I saw an ad for the governors race funded by the democrats. Its was insane. Dude claimed we lived under "A new jim crow" and needed to abolish prisons.

2018-07-25 22:51:07 UTC  

I thought it was funded by the Republicans for a moment just by how insane it was

2018-07-25 22:51:27 UTC  

But no, thats the face they want to put to Wisconsin

2018-07-25 22:51:36 UTC  

A raving lunatic

2018-07-25 22:52:22 UTC  

See? They're practically campaigning for the other side with shit like that

2018-07-25 22:52:30 UTC  

Scot Walkers not the best governor but atleast hes not *insane*.

2018-07-25 22:55:10 UTC  

This Mike McCabe dude has not convinced me of his sanity with that ad

2018-07-25 22:57:35 UTC  

was not the democrats broke after obama did leave all the "consultants" on the payroll for 8 years and under hillary she did do alot of shady things to keep it all of the records